Parenthood of those who only offer laughter to your mistakes …

I have come a long long way, since my earliest half-hearted attempt at romance, but something I’ve been really missing and I sincerely wished was a contributor to my progress: parents.

Telling your story & none believing you vs owning your story

How our subconscious trick us to relieve victimhood experiences in so many areas of our lives till finally one me the one who rescues one

To Borderline, with love

If you think, you & someone might be perfect for each other …
Don’t give up on being you, for being witness to a kiss or two
If you think, your life…

Ask for help

You’re not the only one, ask others

It’s easy to feel alone, especially if you grew up learning to hide your self or deny your reality than trying to shape your own life …

For some it will only take few experiences of being misunderstood by people you…