Published in
3 min readApr 7, 2019

We hope you are aware that we have already launched the testing of our blockchain based transparent lottery on 1st of April. Please, let us remind you to read our post about the launch and be sure we have definitely been live since that day which is awesome news, hence we keep the promises. You can see it and test it here.

Just to recap, we are fully automated and transparent platform running on the Ethereum blockchain and executed by the smart contracts, therefore you can easily track all the transactions.

More over do not forget that in LOTEO you only bet against other purchased tickets hence your chances to win are much higher than in standard lotteries. There is a winner in every drawing.

Since we are live, you can either participate as a player, and get some bonuses, or you can benefit from our generous affiliate program including the space program, where you can become a partner with no need of an investment.

If you want to participate as a player, here are the current possibilities:

· ONE ENTRY TICKET — Weekly lottery ticket price is 10€, following by daily lottery where entry is 2€

· LOTEOPASS — annual entry ticket

· LOTEOMAXX — You can buy lottery entries in higher amount — 10, 20, 50, 100.

Hereby we would like to emphasize the importance of the LOTEPASS ticket since you can even double your wining chances.


Players have the option of purchasing a year-long entry into the lottery, foregoing the need for repeated entries. For the first 1000 LOTEOPASS buyers, there will be a bonus. This will be a limited offer that will take place again after 1 year, when the first batch of LOTEOPASSes expires.

Those participants who bought the first 1000 tickets would have the option to purchase them also in the second batch before it is available to others.

The bonus consists of doubling your chance in each drawing of the lottery. This is achieved by using LOTEU. By purchasing the LOTEOPASS, the buyer gets an amount of LOTEU credited to his account that covers 52 weeks lottery entries.

After selling 1000 LOTEOPASSes, the guaranteed lottery weekly prize pool will be attractive for users. There will be also a LOTEOPASS for the daily lottery with a BONUS for the first buyers to ensure the attractive daily prize pool, too.

As mentioned in the whitepaper, LOTEO is automatically contributing 1 % from every draw to the charity. Choosing the LOTEPASS ticket you can became the main giver.

Do not forget to buy the LOTEOPASS ticket since they are time limited and you increase your winning chances in the new blockchain based LOTEO platform.

Also if you promote the LOTEPOPASS further to other potential players, you can benefit the unique affiliate and space program we are offering.

We hope you are going to enjoy our lottery.

We all can be winners with the LOTEO blockchain revolution. Let’s build LOTEO together.

For more questions do not hesitate to contact us on the links mentioned below or read the official whitepaper.

For up-to-date information, subscribe here: https://www.playloteo.com

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Media Contact: info@playloteo.com



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Loteo is digital automated lottery platform that uses blockchain and smart contracts to create a fully transparent lottery with bigger chances to win.