Go to Lottie Files
Lottie Files
LottieFiles is a collection of curated animation files for Lottie (Airbnb). Use these and make your Apps and the internet prettier.
Note from the editor

LottieFiles is a collection of curated animation files for Lottie (Airbnb). Use these and make your Apps and the internet prettier.

Go to the profile of Nattu
Explorer, photographer by passion from the islands of Maldives. Product Designer @mindvalley . Co-founded @lottiefiles. Formerly @ServisHero, @socarmalaysia
Go to the profile of Shafiu Hussain
Shafiu Hussain
Geek, UI/UX guy, @LottieFiles, Head of Product Design @Mindvalley, @kickstartmv, from Maldives. Previously Co-founded @TaxiMonger
Go to the profile of Sonam Pelden
Sonam Pelden
I write about tech, product, and the search for purpose in life