Go to Comic Converse
Comic Converse
A safe space for comic book lovers and creators to come together in order to share their stories.
Note from the editor

Comic Converse is a safe space where comic book lovers and creators come to gather in order to discuss their shared love for all things Comics. Check out our podcast wherein we sit down with industry writers/artists/colorists/editors in order to dive deep into their creative comic book process.

Go to the profile of Shane Miosi
Shane Miosi
A lover of stories. On a journey to tell my own.
Go to the profile of Jordan Claes
Jordan Claes
Opinionated comic book nerd who thinks he knows everything there is to know about music and travel. Master-Chief-Editor @Lousywith
Go to the profile of Shane Miosi
Shane Miosi
A lover of stories. On a journey to tell my own.
Go to the profile of Jordan Claes
Jordan Claes
Opinionated comic book nerd who thinks he knows everything there is to know about music and travel. Master-Chief-Editor @Lousywith