12 Signs a Girl *Like* Likes You

Is she just being nice or is it more?

Emma Austin
Love, Emma


Should you make a move?

Should you ask her out?

Should you ask for a second date?

Should you kiss her (or better yet, ask if you can)?

It can be a tough call to make. As a woman, I know that we’re socialized to do a lot of the emotional labor when interacting with a man.

We feel like it’s our responsibility to make sure his feelings aren’t hurt, that we don’t reject him too hard, that we make him feel heard, that we acknowledge him and not ignore him.

We’re taught in all sorts of little ways to be super friendly even when we don’t really want to be. We want to be likeable, and part of that means making everyone else feel liked.

We’ve all learned how to let a guy down gently and how to avoid making him feel rejected (even when we’re rejecting him).

We’re taught to smile even when we’re uncomfortable.

So, even though we all give signs when we don’t like someone (or don’t like them as more than a friend), they’re subtle and often get misinterpreted.

If you want to know if a girl really likes you or is just being friendly or polite, here are the signs you should look for.



Emma Austin
Love, Emma

💜 Wholesome perv with a touch of whimsy 🖤 My podcast, spicy content, and more: https://www.loveemmaaustin.com/all-my-projects