Love In The Air — Submission Rules And Guidelines

Let’s try to make it an alternative to P.S. I Love You

Love In The Air


Like Write To Inspire, Love In The Air aims to provide readers with valuable information, unique ideas, and great tips and tricks. On behalf of the entire team, I welcome everyone who is looking for an alternative to P.S. I Love You. We are primarily looking to publish articles on love and relationships but will accept all the pieces that are cited properly and have unique angles.

The main rules of Love In The Air are the same as Write To Inspire. For example, we will publish one post per writer every day. You are allowed to submit as many posts as you want, but we don’t promise to check all of them simultaneously. The time to review a post can be from three business days to two weeks.

Submission Requirements And Rules

  1. Please avoid sending us published pieces. They will be rejected right away because we want draft/unpublished stories.
  2. We will try to provide detailed feedback to every writer. However, if you don’t make changes appropriately, we reserve the right to reject your work.
  3. We will also reject pieces that have been published elsewhere or the stories that have been covered on Medium so many times.

