A Christmas without you

The First Holiday Without Loved One Message You Need To Know

It is never easy

I, Napoleon B.
Lovingly Yours
Published in
4 min readDec 13, 2022


The First Holiday Without Loved One Message You Need To Know
Photo by Any Lane:

This is my first Christmas with Phi Phi and Crocker. It will be my second without mom. Like all things, I can’t remember what I did last Christmas. On New Year’s eve, I was sick.

My feelings this year are mixed. I’m excited for Phi Phi and Crocker. I prayed that my November earnings will be great and it was, for which my heart is full of gratitude.

But not a day passes by that I don’t think of mom, and Christmas was her favorite holiday, it was a time to forgive and forget.

It’s the time of the year when we were always OK. I’m at my loving best, and she was as always like most moms are — the best.

And last year, there was nothing to forgive or forget.

Mom wasn't there to welcome me back.

Christmas 2022

I was thinking of putting up some Christmas decorations, but that didn’t happen. Maybe next year when we moved to a new home. I might as well put it here, my dreams for next year.

But I already have something planned for New Year’s eve.

And then a few days ago, my male cousin died.



I, Napoleon B.
Lovingly Yours

We all have good stories to tell, and I choose to write them myself. You can donate to my writing journey here: https://square.link/u/5EZrNONS