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Ladies that UX Boston is a monthly catch up for talented and creative women in the UX and design community. The group aims to provide an inspiring, collaborative and supportive environment through informal networking, lively discussions and events.
Note from the editor

Ladies that UX Boston is a monthly catch up for talented and creative women in the UX and design community. The group aims to provide an inspiring, collaborative and supportive environment through informal networking, lively discussions and events.

Go to the profile of Olga V. Perfilieva
Olga V. Perfilieva
Product Design Leader and Co-organizer of Ladies That UX Boston. Formerly product design at Botkeeper, ezCater and CarMax.
Go to the profile of LTUX Boston
Go to the profile of Lara Greenberg
Lara Greenberg
Director of UX at Notarize, Co-organizer of Ladies That UX Boston
Go to the profile of Nitya Rao
Nitya Rao
Journalist, #photographer, traveler, film-goer, foodie...
Go to the profile of Zoraida Cabrera-Mieles
Zoraida Cabrera-Mieles
UX Designer/Researcher @ Harvard University. My work ranges from design and user research, to design facilitation, to CSS theming. www.zoracabrera.com.