The Next Era: Blockchain Gaming 2.0

Ludos Protocol
Ludos Protocol
Published in
3 min readJan 13, 2019

First, the bad news. The highly anticipated second generation of EOS DApps didn’t quite bring the revolution and pivot to mainstream adoption that was expected. The ugly truth is blockchain gaming adoption may take time to happen. There are several reasons for this:

First, the infrastructure is still nascent.

Secondly, even with more-developed technology, developers will take time to apply the technology, attract and retain demand. Think World of Warcraft; it, for example, was launched several years after online multiplayer games were created.

Third, the recent 51% attack on blockchain networks shows vulnerabilities of a technology that is purportedly immutable. It brings to light a very pertinent question: why should developers migrate to blockchain if information and gameplay are unsecure?

Well, haters gonna hate. With every technology evolution, naysayers who live in the past will always prefer to return to how things were. We’ve seen this with the then-emergence of emails and now private messaging, both of which, we cannot imagine living without and is considered normal in today’s society.

But to address the negative points above, there’s a saying: it’s not about what you can do with technology, but what technology can do for you. Even if it is a cliché, it does not make it fallacious or irrelevant.

Ludos Protocol cofounder Tai Jin thinks the blockchain gaming must produce a game that gamers connect with, rather than ponder too much on the technology:

“For a game DApp to succeed, the infrastructure has to be solid and the gameplay must be fun. While it is true that blockchain provides the next-generation infrastructure for gaming, adoption will be delayed if games developed on it aren’t engaging or lack scalability.

Blockchain gaming developers need to vary their games too, which requires sound infrastructure. To exemplify my view, we didn’t see World of Warcraft gamers rush to play Cryptokitties, just because it was on the blockchain.”

Developers working with Ludos Protocol are helping us create games that can be categorized into the following:

1. Traditional and new games that translate well online-to-offline-to-online, with blockchain capturing indisputable information of both mediums

2. Two-player games (such as chess and checkers)

3. Card games

4. Strategy games with more complex gameplay (which Ludos Protocol is developing in partnership with other companies, such as Imperial Throne)

At Ludos Protocol, we’re going all in on blockchain gaming because it is crucial that we don’t give up on tech that shows such encouraging potential. If Ludos Protocol doesn’t develop it, someone else will, and it probably won’t be as good.

But in all seriousness — and even if you think our pat on our own back should be disregarded — we’re doing this because it’s what we believe in. And if you’re reading this far down, we think it is what you believe in too.

About Ludos Protocol

Ludos Protocol is a purpose-built blockchain infrastructure project for the gaming community. As only the third blockchain project to be backed by Japanese investment giant Softbank, Ludos addresses numerous shortcomings in the existing gaming landscape. Its main chain + multi-sidechain architecture allows games to run entirely on their own blockchain, preventing scalability issues that have plagued previous blockchain-based games. Additionally, the Protocol seeks to create a gamer-friendly ecosystem whereby game developers and gamers can come together to easily crowdfund and build on the platform. The use of non-fungible tokens (NFT’s) within the ecosystem will allow gamers to swap assets in one game for assets in another. Finally, through their partnership with FullPay Japan, Ludos will give gamers the chance to use LUD tokens that are earned in-game to shop and buy at a range of retail stores in Japan and later the world.

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Ludos Protocol
Ludos Protocol

Ludos protocol is a decentralized gaming ecosystem . Supported by Softbank, CollinStar Capital, Du Capital, BA Capital, etc.