First Polkadot-Lyon Meetup

Francois Branciard
Lugus Labs
Published in
2 min readJan 6, 2020

On the 4th December was organized the first Polkadot-Lyon meetup :

This local meetup group was started with the support of the Web3 Fondation ambassador program.

The main objectif is to gathers local initiatives, share ideas, have a local relay, and grow the global Web3 community in Lyon.

It take part of the Worldwide Polkadot & Web3 Community Meetups initiative.

The first meetup common thread was :

Web3: pour un web affranchi.

It was an overview of Web3 Fondation values illustrated by several projects presentations in the ecosystem :

We have the honor to start with Julien Eluard
from Parity Technologies. He introduces Polkadot
a new blockchain for interoperability build with Substrate : a blockchain framework.

Polkadot-Lyon Meetup [1/4] Putting the DOT in Polkadot — Julien Eluard

Engaged and fun presentation! Pol Lanski masterfully does his first french talk about DAppNode. Congrats !

Polkadot-Lyon Meetup [2/4] DAppNode — Pol Lanski

Product manager at Status, Guy-Louis Grau
shares values and last products updates. He gives a focus on Status instant messaging product and keycard :a new type of smartcard built with an open API that can be used as hardwallet and improve user experience.

Polkadot-Lyon Meetup [3/4] Status — Guy-Louis Grau

To conclude, Adrien Berthou deep dives into DAOstack and shares his experience on this new kind of organization.

Polkadot-Lyon Meetup [4/4] Le Future du Travail via Genesis DAO & DAOstack — Adrien Berthou

After enfranchisement, refreshments ! Thanks to La Cuisine du Web et Mr Grourmand for this delicious evening!

Conclusion :

After this first meetup, do not hesitate to contact LUGUS LABS to propose a subject that you wanted to present or be presented. A global subject or a more precise workshop with deepening.

See You at the next Polkadot-Lyon meetup !

