Why choose and nominate Lugus Labs validator in Polkadot ?

Francois Branciard
Lugus Labs
Published in
3 min readDec 31, 2022

We are seeking nominations to continue operating our validator and contribute to the decentralization of staking providers and therefore increase the security, independence and resilience of the Polkadot network.

In this blog post, we introduce the Lugus Labs Polkadot validator, our team and our contributions to the Polkadot ecosystem. This blog post will help you decide if you are looking for a validator to nominate.

Our software development contribution to the Polkadot ecosystem

We are 2 open source develop-sysadmin-found-ers, at Lugus Labs with many years of experience in managing infrastructure and software in production.

In 2019, with the help of the Web3 foundation, we started the development of open-source software to run highly available blockchain services (HABS). We would like to thank the Web3 Foundation grant program which funds software development and research in the field of decentralized software protocols for their significant support in the development of the HABS tool.

Since then, we have been using the HABS tool for our failover and backup strategy to operate our Polkadot and Kusama validator nodes safely.

Our social contribution to the Polkadot ecosystem

As members of the Polkadot Ambassador Program, we organized several Web3-oriented meetups and the first Polkadot meetup in Lyon in December 2019, bringing together several blockchain projects presenting their Web3 vision.

Furthermore, we participated in several meetups with Polkadot Francophonie, including a meetup in September 2021 concerning validators, security and best practices.

Our experience in the Thousand Validators Programme

The Thousand Validators Programme is an initiative by Web3 Foundation and Parity Technologies to use the funds held by both organizations to nominate validators in the community.

We have been running validator nodes and forging blocks since 2020. We joined the Thousand Validators Programme for the Kusama and Polkadot networks at an early stage.

To help with the decentralization and variety of validator nodes in the Polkadot network, we choose a local data center based in our region (Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France), to run our validator node, which gives us a maximum provider and location score in the Thousand Validators Programme.

We are proud to have the rank of 158, nearly 700 criteria points and nomination order in the top 3, so far in December 2022 in the Thousand Validators Programme.

Our deployment, monitoring and supervision of validator node

Thanks to the HABS tool, we have several redundant instances distributed geographically with one active and others passive, capable of ensuring the high availability of our validator node without the risk of slashing.

We use a strong monitoring and supervision stack based on Prometheus, Grafana, Loki and Alertmanager with multiple alert channels to be aware of possible issues in near real-time.

Our deployment is fully automated with Ansible playbooks. We use best practices in security and infrastructure-as-code to prevent security issues as well as manual deployment errors.

Our staking criteria

We have aligned our stacking amount and commission rates with the Thousand Validator Programme rules. We have a stake of 5000 DOT for our validator and a commission of 5%.

We are not backed by any VCs or external investors. So our stake is our stake; your stake is your stake, as a decentralized protocol is intended to be.


Nominate our Polkadot validator

If you are convinced that our validator deserves your nomination, then you will find all the information necessary to nominate us.


Validator stash account: 16aFDVsp6zd6VxUSgd34es3r23nWRkoj3NdLTS5Fk1Ez9MU1

If you need help with the nomination, you can find all the necessary information and learn more about the nomination process in the Polkadot wiki Become a Nominator on Polkadot.

Welcome on board!

Out of hegemonic venture capitals, big clouds or staking providers!

See you on-chain with Lugus Labs.

Lugus Labs, the laboratory of Lugus, the luminous god, ensuring the birth of a stable and balanced society, mobilizer of sovereign and artisanal functions, to protect fair commerce, bound with chains!

LUGUS divinity, Vasseny lyre pendant (Ve-IVe s. before J.-C.) from S. Thouvenot/Inrap

