ETHDenver BUIDLathon Survival Guide

Bianca Buzea
Published in
4 min readFeb 22, 2024

Hi, it’s Bianca, from the LUKSO DevRel team. If you are looking to build during the ETHDenver BUDLathon, then this guide is for you.

I love hackathons. I have participated in multiple hackathons as an attendee, judge, and organizer. I strongly believe that when it comes to the success of a hackathon, a significant part can be attributed to having the right tools and keeping yourself organized. That is why I created this guide for you, to give you a head start on tackling the ETHDenver LUKSO bounties.

Here is what this guide covers:

  • ⭐️ $50K in Bounties
  • 🔎 Helpful Nuggets
  • ⛓ How do I get started with LUKSO?
  • ⛑️ Getting Help
  • 📚 Learn from previous hackathons and get inspired by previous winning teams!
  • 💭 Tips for a successful hackathon
  • 📌 What will LUKSO present at ETHDenver 2024?
  • ⏭ Next Steps

⭐️ Bounties Overview

LUKSO has $50K in Bounties distributed equally across four categories during ETHDenver’s BUIDLathon:

$12.5K Build DAO Infrastructure Using Universal Profiles

$12.5K Build a dApp Using Universal Profiles

$12.5K Build a Transaction Relay Service

$12.5K Universal Profile Management Tools


For each bounty, you will have specific requirements mentioned in the bounty description, however here is an overview of the main deliverables that you will need to produce:

  • A URL to your deployed project that judges can test
  • A short video that describes the scope and functionality of your project (around 3 minutes)
  • A public GitHub repository with the project’s code

How are projects judged?

Each project is judged by reviewing its contribution to the ecosystem, integration effectiveness & functionality, innovation & creativity, and user experience. In addition to those key factors, the communication of your BUILDathon idea and its features, as well as the project description, including what your project does that is only achievable on LUKSO, is just as important.

🔎 Helpful Nuggets:

⛓ How do I get started with LUKSO?

We recommend that the first thing that you do is to download the Universal Profile Browser Extension and create your first Universal Profile, to familiarize yourself with our tech and discover first-hand the opportunities it offers. After this, feel free to explore our docs and let your imagination work on innovative ways of tackling one of the bounty categories.

⛑️ Getting Help

If you have any questions, please ask your questions in the ⎡HACKATHON⎦ section of the LUKSO Discord server.

You can also say hi to one of the LUKSO Tech team members who will be in Denver and ask us any questions you may have in person. Connect with us:

  • Fabian Vogelsteller, Co-Founder & Chief Blockchain Architect, @feindura
  • Hugo Masclet, Tech Lead, @HugoApps
  • Andreas Richter, Principal Engineer, @richtera
  • Jean Cavallera, Lead Smart Contract Engineer, @JeanCavallera
  • Dominik Zborowski, Senior Frontend Developer, @dmonix3k5
  • Bianca Buzea, Head of Developer Relations, @buzea200

📚 Learn from previous hackathons and get inspired by previous winning teams!

Check the winners from previous hackathons to get inspired and motivated:

Stay assured though — the possibilities are endless! We’re looking forward to seeing your creativity shine.

💭 Tips for a Successful Hackathon

Don`t reinvent the wheel

Make use of the available tools. There is no need to reinvent the wheel. Besides the generic EVM tools, make sure to check out the LUKSO-specific tools such as ERC725 Tools which offer a series of instruments to interact and debug ERC725 smart contracts, or the erc725.js library that allows you to interact with the ERC-725 schemas easily. You can find a full overview of all the available tools in the Tools section of the documentation portal.

Focus on the MVP

Aim to build a minimum viable product that addresses the core functionality or solves the main problem. You won’t be able to sort out every single detail and fix every bug. You can always add more features if time allows.

📌 What will LUKSO present at ETHDenver 2024?

LUKSO’s Co-Founder & Chief Blockchain Architect, Fabian Vogelsteller, will give a keynote presentation on “From Idea to Reality: Transforming User Experience in Web3”, on the 1st of March, at 3:10 PM on the Coral Stage.

LUKSO’s Lead Smart Contract Engineer, Jean Cavallera, will run a Solidity workshop, “Building the Next Generation of Tokens & NFTs on LUKSO”, on Feb 26th, at 1:45 PM. The workshop will go over building your own token or NFT collection for your application or community. If you are participating in the BUIDLathon, you won’t want to miss this!

If you are up for some fun, you can also meet the LUKSO team during the FROSTBYTE w/ Boys Club x LUKSO party, on Friday,1st of March, starting at 9:00 PM or come by our LUKSO booth at ETHDenver.

⏭ Next Steps

Remember, hackathon’s aren’t just about pursuing bounties; they’re immersive experiences for learning, experimenting with new technologies, forging friendships, and having a blast while BUIDLing!

Embrace the chance to tackle new challenges and explore projects that genuinely excite you. Allow your imagination to roam freely, looking for innovative use cases and thinking outside the box. Never underestimate the potential of a hackathon project; some of today’s web3 unicorns began as humble hackathon projects. So, dare to dream big and take that leap — you never know how far you’ll go unless you try.

Come check out the LUKSO docs and make sure to have a look at our LUKSO@ETHDenver 2024 #BUIDLathon repository to find additional resources to help you get started. We look forward to seeing your projects!

