Blockchain Migration Step #2

After October 1st, it will be too late! Prepare your SAT tokens for the migration by sending them to a wallet that you control.

Sarah-Diane Eck
Lum Network
2 min readSep 19, 2019


⚠️ Warning: If you have not migrated your ERC20 tokens to a wallet that you control by October 1st, you will not be able to swap!

To avoid losing access to your tokens, follow the Step #1 carefully (if you did not already).

➡️ Step #1 — Migration preparation (Sept. 2nd to Oct. 2nd)
▶️ Step #2 — SAT Contract snapshot (Oct. 2nd)
➡️ Step #3 — SAT to SBC migration (Oct. 3rd to Dec. 31st)
➡️ Step #4 — Migration completion & SAT deprecation

⚠️ Don’t transfer funds from Stakin app to another Stakin app… you need to withdraw them outside, on a wallet that you control!

SAT Contract Snapshot

In order to facilitate as much as possible the swap of the ERC20 tokens (SAT) into Sandblock Coin (SBC), we will take a snapshot of the SAT Ethereum smart contract. This snapshot will allow us to automate the distribution of Sandblock Coins.

Snapshot process

This snapshot will take place on October 2nd. This snapshot will then be used to migrate your tokens and double check your SAT balances.

What it means for you?

  • If you have already move your SAT tokens to a wallet that you control, you’ve nothing more to do.
  • If you have your SAT tokens on an exchange/3rd party wallet/app… you’ve to move them to a wallet that you control before October 2nd.

⚠️ Starting October 2nd, all SAT tokens stored on inaccessible wallets will be lost. Please, do not wait long to transfer your tokens, otherwise it will be too late…

Follow Sandblock’s social channels to stay tuned!



Sarah-Diane Eck
Lum Network

Founder @lum_network Building the Lum Network ecosystem. Council Member of the Lum Foundation.