Embracing Lum Network Vision for Web3 Mass Adoption

Where we are now and where we are going.
Brace yourself, we are ready for a big space trip over the next months. The takeoff will happen at the Cosmoverse in Medellin!

Lum Network
4 min readSep 22, 2022


A friendly reminder about Lum Network ⚛

We developed our own blockchain and we build applications on it.
Lum Network is a layer-1 protocol built with the Cosmos SDK and Tendermint #IBCGang

We created the first decentralized protocol for businesses to build authentic trust with their customers. Analogy needed?
On-chain reviews when purchasing something online. Full transparency at its best.

Web3 and Cosmos for everybody

Since our early days, our vision was to accelerate mass adoption into crypto with our LUM (“Lumière” in French aka “Light”) to build a more transparent and trustless environment.
It may sounds like a utopian vision in 2017 when we started:
Only a very few were inside and understood the ins and outs of all the new technology that was emerging from Bitcoin and Satoshi Nakamoto.
Today, our vision to bring crypto to mass adoption is more alive than ever! And it is shared with countless amazing projects evolving around multiple growing ecosystems.

“One of the biggest challenges is to maintain a trajectory in an environment that is constantly changing.” Sarah-Diane Eck

It is a long journey, full of pitfalls, but every major evolution started somewhere.

To bring more transparency on online reviews in order to build authentic trust between consumers and businesses was a first step in our process. And we are still building it.

On our way to mass adoption with Skeepers, the trust layer for consumers and businesses

The application Skeepers Rewards is onboarding new users on a daily basis.

The production is still going smoothly and successfully. More and more reviews are written and rewards are being delivered.

One of the major pain point we targeted with Skeepers was few people actually leave online reviews after a purchase. And for readers looking for quality information, the trust they could give to what they found is limited.
95% of people read online reviews before a purchase but 77% of them don’t have on full trust about online reviews

Discover the first results:
- Three times as many people publish reviews online.
- The reviews are on average twice as long.
- People share more details about their experience, they add more photos and videos on the reviews.

We can’t share yet more datas due to Skeepers company policy.
But these first results confirm that people engage more because there is a better value distribution.

Make sure to stay close to learn more about the future of our trust layer.
And now, more is coming.

A new application on top of Lum Network is ready

These last months our team has been incredibly focused on this new product. It will mark a new step for Lum Network and we hope the whole Cosmos ecosystem.

We will announce it officially on September 28, 2022 at the Cosmoverse, the main Cosmos ecosystem event taking place this year in Medellin, Colombia.

Lum Network powers new products in order to bring more people into Cosmos

Blockchains and decentralized systems are a powerful technology indeed, but they are not easy to understand.

On one hand, education is one cornerstone to bring the public into a more decentralized web.
To solve this, we will share more educational content on our social media to light up important topics.
We are actively working on a solution to illuminate the Cosmos ecosystem.

On other hand, having products with a user-friendly interface and a great user experience are other cornerstones.
And, as we believe that the future is going to be multichain, building this kind of product made for mass adoption is a great and exciting challenge.

The right time at the right place

In their last massive research, Delphi Labs highlight that the most significant risk for Cosmos is its low adoption rate when comparing TVL (Total Value Locked) to other ecosystems.

For the mainstream users, going into Cosmos is potentially a huge opportunity right now.

This is why Lum is focused on delivering products that will ease mass adoption, and especially during this time where builders need their community to support them.

Time to keep the lights focus on Cosmos and to make it more accessible to all users through a simple UX/UI by putting a little bit of Lum in every hand.

So, dear Cosmonauts, rendez-vous at Cøsmoverse!

Join Lum Network community ⚛

You want to follow the news, see what will happen, have any question or just want to talk with our team? Follow the way.

This article does not contain any financial advice.
Please do your own research before investing in anything.



Lum Network

curious about tech and music | Paris based