How does LunarCRUSH help you understand social metrics in Cryptocurrency Markets?

How is Social Activity in Cryptocurrency Markets Calculated?

10 min readApr 6, 2020


LunarCRUSH — Social Listening For Crypto

How do you value a cryptocurrency? Unlike traditional stock markets, cryptocurrencies do not have earnings reports, management, or borders, and markets are open 24/7.

We like to say; without a community, there is no crypto. To identify how valuable a cryptocurrency is, investors must pay attention to the traction it’s gained socially.

LunarCRUSH helps investors understand cryptocurrencies traction by listening to social media from across the web to uncover valuable crypto-specific data to make confident trading decisions.

Investors are inundated with too much data and cannot possibly see make educated decisions by scouring the web themselves. In a world where there are over 250 thousand pieces of crypto-specific content created a day, LunarCRUSH helps identify value in the crypto markets. is FREE to use.

Enterprise API + Widgets are available for commercial use.

LunarCRUSH Dashboard

LunarCRUSH provides access to over 200 million collected social posts, all classified by coin using machine learning and displayed alongside unique insights. LunarCRUSH collects more than 150,000 social posts with 20,000 links per day.

LunarCRUSH supports more than 2000 cryptocurrencies. LunarCRUSH allows one to compare and share all collected metrics side-by-side on coins to determine which coins are performing better. LunarCRUSH collects data on influencers, social influencer activity and their engagement, frequency, and impact across thousands of cryptocurrencies. LunarCRUSH delivers community insights to crypto investors, funds and exchanges.

LunarCRUSH + Machine Learning = Deep Sentiment

LunarCRUSH trains machine learning algorithms to gather and access data to return back sentiment on that data. We then cross-train the machines in a never-ending cycle that allows for the most accurate return of data in the broadest data set available.

We train our machine learning based on crypto-specific data. We do not utilize standard natural language processing sentiment algorithms as we do not believe they correctly access the language used within the cryptocurrency community to express emotion.

Sentiment Ranking — How is Sentiment Ranked?

This score represents on a scale of 1–5 the average sentiment on all of the humans talking about a coin online in order to represent the general sentiment being spread about a coin.

5 = Very bullish

4 = Bullish

3 = Neutral

2 = Bearish

1 = Very Bearish

The language used in the cryptocurrency market can sometimes differ quite greatly from traditional stock markets.

For example: “Monero is currently mooning.” Is a Bullish statement. You probably will not hear an analyst on CNBC say, “Duke Energy is mooning folks!”

Bullish Sentiment Tweet by @Bitcoin on Twitter

At LunarCRUSH, we utilize machine learning to train content for it’s Bullish or Bearishness. This differentiates us from our competitors who utilize sentiment libraries that have not been trained on crypto-specific language.

Calculating Social Engagement — How is social engagement calculated?

Social engagement measures the depth of community interaction across social posts. It’s an important metric to look at when trying to determine how much participation the community has around a particular coin. All social engagement is calculated per coin across multiple social sources and excludes spam.

There are six elements that factor into how social engagement is calculated:

1. Favorites & Likes — The number of Likes on an individual social post that contains a relevant term. Likes must come from individual user accounts.

2. Comments & Replies — The number of comments from separate social accounts within a post that contains a relevant term.

3. Retweets, Quotes & Shares — Sharing of unique social posts that contain relevant terms.

4. Followers — The number of followers on the post that contains relevant terms from which engagement is occurring.

5. Shared URLs — Every time an identified relevant URL is shared within relevant social posts that contain relevant terms.

6. Karma — Reddit Karma score on individual posts.

LunarCRUSH Galaxy Score™ — What is a Galaxy Score?

The LunarCRUSH Galaxy Score™ is a proprietary score which is constantly measuring a cryptocurrency against itself with respect to the community metrics we pull in from across the web.

The goal of the score is to provide a leading indicator that allows algorithmic trading for institutional investors.

Calculating LunarCRUSH Galaxy Score™ — How is the Galaxy Score calculated?

The Galaxy Score is a combined measure of cryptocurrency indicators used to correlate and understand the overall health, quality, and performance of a specific project. In short, it indicates how well a coin is doing. The Galaxy Score can also be used as a signal when a project is entering a new territory, from very bearish to very bullish.

The overall score combines the total score of the following four key performance indicators:

1. Price Score — A score we derive from a moving average that gives the coin some indication of an upward or downward trend based solely on the market value.

2. Social Sentiment — A percentage/score of the overall bullishness or bearishness of what people are saying online

3. Social Impact — A score of the volume/interaction/impact of social to give a sense of the size of the market or awareness of the coin

4. Correlation Rank — The algorithm that determines the correlation of our social data to the coin price/volume.

Calculating Social Impact — How is Social Impact calculated?

LunarCRUSH is recording everything that is happening on social media networks in the public and private (paid) domains. We take this data and return it to you as simple, easy to understand metrics. Some of this data is simply totaled to give you an idea of volume, while other data is listened to by our machine learning and artificial intelligence algorithms. We return you the data based on thousands of hours of machine training taught to find patterns in sentiment.

Assessing Social Influence — How does LunarCRUSH calculate social influence?

The collection begins with crypto-specific tweets based on tuned search and filtering criteria. Social influencers with a minimum of 500 followers and at least minimal engagement on their tweets for the time period selected are taken into account. Additionally, spam filtering also takes place to reduce spammers and bots from influencer rankings.

Rankings are organized by the number of followers, engagement on tweets (retweet/quote, likes, replies) as well as by volume (number of tweets). These rankings can then be viewed across the entire crypto market (all coins) or by any coin (i.e. Bitcoin only). The number of followers, engagements, and tweets are all averaged and rank is giving to an individual social account. This logic closely resembles our AltRank calculations. We will continue to monitor and tweak our algorithms to improve our results over time.

Quantifying Correlation Ranks — How is Correlation Rank calculated?

Simply a measure of the strength of the correlation between our data and coin prices over time.

We wanted to add an emphasis on scoring if all of our indicators are moving in the same direction at one time. For example, on Galaxy Score, if our Price Score, Sentiment Score, and Social Engagement Score are all increasing at the same time, the Correlation Score will also start to increase. The exact same goes if the Scores are decreasing.

If none of our Scoring mechanisms are moving together in a direction, the Correlation Score will settle towards the center, or 2.5.

Regulating Social Spam — How does LunarCRUSH determine what social content is spam?

Spam is determined by analyzing the piece of content for parameters set through the training of the machine learning algorithm. The machine is first trained by a human, who can easily recognize a tweet that is Spam. And then the machine replicates that at a speed never achievable by a human.

Evaluating Price Score — How is a Price Score calculated?

With Price Score, we take the Technical out of Technical Analysis. Our Price Score automatically adjusts based on back-testing and the most profitable trading strategy will be derived combining RSI, Bollinger Bands, Exponential Moving Averages, and employing that into the overall score.

Price score is then scored based on the following:

1 = Very Bearish
2 = Bearish
3 = Neutral
4 = Bullish
5 = Very Bullish

Track my crypto portfolio in LunarCRUSH

You are able to input your cryptocurrency holdings into the LunarCRUSH dashboard. We recommend adding your holdings and favorite cryptocurrencies to your portfolio on your very first visit. LunarCRUSH learns about your holdings and returns more relevant data when we know a little bit more about your trading style.

For now, we think it’s easiest to manually enter your holdings. Let us know if you think otherwise and would like us to create exchange integrations. Chat or

Analyzing News Volume in LunarCRUSH

LunarCRUSH collects the latest News article for supported coins. News volume for publications or stories written about the coin selected within the time period selected.

Analyzing YouTube Content in LunarCRUSH

LunarCRUSH collects the latest YouTube videos for supported coins. Video information is pulled from YouTube and listed on LunarCRUSH depending on the selected time period.

Analyzing Medium Post Volume in LunarCRUSH

LunarCRUSH collects the latest Medium Articles for supported coins. Medium post information is pulled from and listed on LunarCRUSH depending on the selected time period.

Analyzing Reddit Post Volume in LunarCRUSH

LunarCRUSH collects the latest Reddit Posts for supported coins. Reddit content information is pulled from and listed on LunarCRUSH depending on the selected time period.

Analyzing Shared Links in LunarCRUSH

LunarCRUSH collects the latest shared links for supported coins. Shared link content information is scraped and listed on LunarCRUSH depending on the selected time period.

What market data sources does LunarCRUSH collect?

LunarCRUSH looks across the entire web for elements that will attribute to cryptocurrency insights. Cryptocurrency exchanges such as Binance, Poloniex, Coinbase, Gemini, KuCoin, and many more are included.

LunarCRUSH Crypto Community Metrics + TradingView

Add LunarCRUSH community metrics to your existing TradingView charts. Powered by the LunarSTREAM™ real-time WebSocket API, add real-time metrics without having to adjust the user experience on your exchange or existing application.

What criteria does LunarCRUSH use to select which coins to display?

LunarCRUSH’s mission is to provide real-time human-driven insights to consumers looking to analyze and trade cryptocurrencies. In order to trade anything, the coin you want to trade must have a marketplace. A marketplace must have transaction volume in order to be a marketplace. If the coin you are looking for has multiple days of extremely low transaction volume, we most likely decided to no longer show the data in LunarCRUSH. We are still collecting and analyzing the data, and when that coin starts to increase in trading and data volume, we will automatically add the coin to LunarCRUSH. No need to e-mail us!

Why does LunarCRUSH display stablecoins?

Stablecoins are part of the cryptocurrency marketplace, therefore we’d like to show the stablecoins as part of the ecosphere of data. Some users utilize the stablecoins in their trading practices when included in a data set. Therefore until otherwise requested, we will continue to show stablecoins.

How Are Influencers Determined in LunarCRUSH?

View Twitter Influencer Activity and their impact across all coins and tokens.

All influencers are measured by the same metrics, which include followers, replies, favorites, and retweets. Metrics are evaluated across all collected posts during the timeframe selected. The actual influence will vary over time and will depend on user activity

How accurate are the predictions in LunarCRUSH?

LunarCRUSH is not making predictions on future prices. What we are doing is providing you data and insights at a speed not capable for human beings to collect, and distilling down the data to only real human insights by removing all of the spam and negligible data. We then take this data and formulate our own view of what we think is valuable. We are also providing customers with the rawest form of data to allow them to formulate their view of the world.

Additional Resources

Building a Twitter Bot to Automate Posting Cryptocurrency News with Python & LunarCRUSH

Add Crypto Community Widgets To your Website

LunarCRUSH provides advanced documentation into how to host widgets within your website.

Introducing LunarCRUSH for Developers + LunarSTREAM™

The Billion Dollar Industry Crypto’s Been Waiting For

<Our Vision/>

Our vision is a world where cryptocurrency education and research are simple and ubiquitous. Our mission is to provide the extremely passionate and talented cryptocurrency developer community the tools to build it.

🌎🔥🚀🌕 Your LunarCRUSH Team

