User Interface Preview for the Lunyr Invitation-only Alpha Release

Published in
2 min readApr 20, 2017

We’ve been hard at work creating the user interface for the Lunyr Invitation-only Alpha Release. The major design goal was to create something modern, intuitive, and focused. After much research and going through multiple iterations we’re ready to show a preview.

The Lunyr reading experience

Beautiful, rich layout creates a visually immersive experience as you explore your interests.

Clean and modern UI focused on content. Collapsible sections.

Reading experience feels as comfortable and enjoyable as reading pages from a book. Eliminate clutter with a Show/Hide citations option.

Article Menu provides intuitive features.

Easy-to-use, simple, drag and drop Editor for submitting content to the Peer Review system.

Convenient pop-up menu for citing sources and writing comments for peer reviewers. Automatically saves your drafts.

All of this work is ongoing and will become more polished over time. We’re steadily making progress towards the Invitation-only Alpha release. We hope you enjoyed our work so far. Thanks for reading!

If you’d like to support the project then please join the crowdsale here.

See also:



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Lunyr is an Ethereum-based decentralized world knowledge base where users get rewarded app tokens for peer-reviewing and contributing information.