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Wine Bloggers Conference

Luscious Lushes
Luscious Lushes
Adventures in wine, whiskey, food and travel, often original, sometimes republished from lusciouslushes.com
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The Wine’d ing up to the Wine Bloggers Conferene

As I unpack my bags from my adventures in Croatia & Italy at the International Wine Tourism Conference next week, I am often asked why do you do it? Why do you blog? And, more importantly, why do you go to this Wine Bloggers Conference, every…

The hills are a glow with…


On our Blitz Carlton tour of the Yamhill-Carlton wine region, I was lucky enough to visit the Luminous Hills vineyard sight. I have tasted the wines of Byron Dooley a few times before, as he owns the Seven of Hearts and Luminous Hills labels, but…

Cocktail, laughter, and damn fine jam

After we meandered through the Walk in the Park, the Blitz Carlton crew headed back in to town and met up at Republic of Jam for cocktails and catching up.

The Republic of Jam is a unique shop that specializes in jams and culinary…

Ogopogo and other fish tales from the north

When I first found out that the 2013 Wine Bloggers Conference would be in the Okanagan Valley region of British Columbia, I, like many fellow bloggers, was somewhat dubious. Canada? Passports? No transport of wine? What the heck?