Where to promote your blog for maximum exposure

The Medium Gals
6 min readNov 10, 2016

50% of the challenge is writing something that screams, “amazing!” The other half of the battle is knowing where to showcase your work.

Unfortunately, a lot of bloggers disregard the latter for many reasons:

  1. They’re too busy pumping out more content (in their heads, more content directly means getting more readers, which I hate to burst your bubble but…that’s not the case).
  2. They don’t feel their blog is worthy of promotion.
  3. They simply don’t want to.
  4. They have no idea where to promote their blog.

If you’re stuck on #4, well you’re in good hands. Because today, I will show you the BEST places to showcase all the hard work you’ve invested in.


Thought Linkedin was only used for displaying your best face forward in the professional online world? Think again. Little would you know, Linkedin has a special feature where you can publish your blog posts. If you have a giant network (over 500+ connections) this will totally be your game, because anyone you’re connected with will instantly be notified the moment you hit “publish.”

Not to mention, adding the appropriate hashtags may lead to tens of millions of views. With over 396 million users, Linkedin is truly a force to be reckoned with, especially when you can be reaching out to successful entrepreneurs, founders, and powerful influencers. Want to get noticed by these people? Here’s what you got to do:

  1. Go to your Linkedin profile.
  2. On the menu bar, click “Profile,” then “Your Updates.”
  3. This will be the page to check out all the articles you’ve engaged with and have posted. Click “Drafts” and hit “Publish a post.”
  4. Add your image, write your headline, and copy-paste your content. If you prefer, you can write a short snippet of your article and end it with a direct link to your post (surprisingly, people still click!).
  5. Don’t forget to add tags! You can only pick 3, so make sure you choose the one that best describes your topic.
  6. Hit publish, and watch the views pour in!


My favorite place to blog (besides Rabbut). 🙂

What was once an empty canvas for written words suddenly blossomed into a bustling community of sharers. The biggest reason behind this quick evolution is because Medium is a place that lets people share brilliant ideas, discuss about the realities of life, talk about their darkest secrets or their success at work, at relationships, at life — anything that sparks inspiration or innovation.

Not many people have even thought about Medium as a potential traffic lead-in to their site, so why not be among the first?

Jeff Goins took that approach and now look at how far he has built his personal brand (reputable referrals, followers and all). So if you ever dream of becoming THE big hit online, don’t wait! Start publishing your blogs on Medium before it starts becoming the norm!


Don’t have a Twitter account? Sorry to be blunt, but you are missing OUT on the most exhilarating experience ever. As the world’s fastest platform for breaking news, no social media could beat a record where people share something extraordinary every 15 seconds — whether that’s a breathtaking snapshot of the Eiffel Tower or the top trending YouTube video of the week.

People respond ridiculously quick on Twitter. In fact, “88% of the most active Twitter users have never missed a day without making at least one update, while another 2.1% have only been inactive for one day.” Given those stats, it makes sense to use it as leverage to share your blog. After all, people are always sniffing around for fresh, good-quality content. Especially in a place where people constantly check their newsfeed, it’d be a huge regret to neglect this goldmine of traffic.

Pro-Tips for more interaction

  • Include an image link — it doubles your engagement rate.
  • Add hashtags — it works wonders, especially using 1–2 as that will get you 21% more engagement (no more than 3, otherwise engagement starts dropping).


Ah, Facebook, the king of social media, and the ever-so-growing place for people to connect with old acquaintances and follow brands they love. If you poked around people’s or company’s websites long enough, 9 out of 10 times, you’ll find their Facebook link. And with over 1.55 billion people constantly checking their feed every 20+ minutes a day, this makes Facebook the perfect place to feature your blog.

From what I know, even people who say they don’t use Facebook still snoop around their friend’s profile to see what they’re up to.

Pro-tips for more interaction

Must-use tools for sharing your blog post

Of course, there are shortcuts to promote your blog faster. And one big shortcut I do is automation. This is where you can push your blog out to every channel of your social media simultaneously. Talk about saving yourself time! If you’ve never heard any of these, I highly suggest you give them a try:

Buffer — Allows you to schedule up to 10 posts through Twitter, Facebook, Google+, and Linkedin.

Drum.io — Allows you to schedule 3 posts a day on one social account: Twitter, Facebook, and Linkedin. You can schedule up to 30 posts total. Upgrades needed if you’re planning to post to more than 1 social media account.

IFTTT — This is one of my all-time favorite social media promotional tool to use. Basically, you’re building a connection between 2 apps. The list of apps you can use is endless! To name a few, it includes Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook, Linkedin, Medium, even your inbox! You can set it up so that if you post your article on Facebook, it automatically posts it on Twitter. The cool thing is, you can set up multiple “recipes,” so you can feature your blog to 10+ social media by posting only once!

Less Writing, More Promoting!

Still thinking of pushing out as much content as you possibly could? Well, unless each of your posts are getting at least 10+ shares, it’s better to get the word out that you’re an influential writer too. Because once people start recognizing what you can do, they’d be thrilled to share your work with all of their followers.

With that said, start sharing!

Tiffany is the creator & marketer of Rabbut — a writer’s best friend for collecting emails for Medium, Linkedin, and personal sites. Top Medium writer for life hacks, productivity, startups and relationships.

Keep up with MEDIUM’s Field Guide for the latest tips and tricks on growing your Medium influence. You can also follow us, Tiffany and Kate, as we’re always experimenting with new Medium projects.

Here’s what we are doing:

  1. Medium Marketing Course (it’s free!)
    Learn how to go viral on Medium by taking our growth hacks for your own post. It’ll give you a higher chance to hit top Medium stories.
  2. 50k Medium Journey
    A journey where our team is working towards 50k monthly Medium traffic to our site. Learn what we’ve learned by signing up, it’s free.
  3. Medium Stats Bank
    An open source to view and share your (and other’s) Medium stats page, so you can know where you stand for your Medium game. Sign-up if you’re interested in this, we might create it. ;)

Originally written on Rabbut.

