When I was ill as a kid, I only wanted to stay at home when I was really too sick to walk upright. I really enjoyed going to school…
Dit is een post in de serie Month to Experience (M2E). Een maand lang schrijf ik over mijn bevindingen, mijn proces en mijn aanpak in het onderzoeken in welke mate ik iets kan leren. Ik wil het toespitsen op mezelf: wat kan ik leren over mezelf?
When was the last time you took a risk?
This is a post in an M2E (Month 2 Explore) series: a new approach to learning. In the month of May 2018 I want to explore how the not-self side of me influences my life — my decision making, my relationships, my health. The term “not-self” comes from Human Design, the…
Can you remember something or someone that once entered your life and threw it completely upside down…