A 2-Minute Daily Planning Method That *Actually* Works (Really Well)

Plus, insights on humility, healthy self-love, purpose, and optimal workout splits/order. Also, 3 bonus enlightening memes :)

Neeramitra Reddy


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Welcome to the 17th edition of the Manximize-360° newsletter — that shares fortnightly insights on productivity, fitness, and 360° excellence. Plus, free access to my best articles, book picks, and more.

I first sent this to my 7900+ subscribers a week ago. To get these editions fresh in your inbox, subscribe here.

Proven Productivity — The 2-Minute Bullet Method

One novel productivity hack/habit/idea + steps to practically implement it.

I’ve already written a ton about my 2-minute bullet method.

But I legit can’t talk about it enough. Every time I fall off and re-start this deceptively simple habit, its power surprises me anew. This power lies in its 3 components:

  • The 3 Core Unshifting (P012) Priorities — rehashed daily to hammer them into the subconscious.
  • The (Only) 4 Daily To-Focus Items — 2 P0, 1 P1, and 1 P2 for razor-sharp and realistic focus.
  • <Optional> 3 Gratitude Bullets — for entitlement-vaporizing positivity.

Better still?

There are tons of ways to practically implement it — digital or physical. Free or paid. Public or private. Fast(er) or Easy:

Forgive the terrible handwriting (All photos and screenshots in this article by the author)
  • The Not-Free But Easy, Private, and Portable Physical Way: Use the 2-Minute Bullet Journal — crafted for this very purpose! Pre-Printed. Aesthetic. Ships worldwide. Plus, comes with a 5-in-1 bonus pack.

Click Here If You Wish To Know More About The 2-Minute Bullet Journal.

  • My Current Go-To — The Not-Free + Easy (But Less-Private) Physical Way: Get a whiteboard (or white wall sticker). Write the template once — use it daily. No tedious hand-copying. Strong constant visibility too.

Fitness Findings

2 nuanced findings to help you (naturally) achieve peak all-round fitness

Finding #1 — The Optimal Natty (aka Natural) Training Order

The gym bros have (had) it all wrong.

1 (or 2) muscle(s) a day. 5–8 exercises. 3 sets of 8–12 reps — all inoptimal. It’s not Volume (how much you train) > Intensity (how hard you train) > Frequency (how often you train)…

The right order is actually the opposite → Frequency ≥ Intensity > Volume

Finding #2 — The Optimal Natty Training Split

Building on the above, the best training split isn’t the bro-split — or even Push-Pull-Legs (PPL) or Upper-Lower (UL)…

It’s actually Full Body (FB) — 3 to 6 times a week.

The best-built Natties I know use Full Body — be it my gym partner & coach Nayan, researcher Menno Henselmans, or elite bodybuilder Eric Helms. Of course, Alex Leonidas’s been expounding the same for years.

Refer to The (free) Aesthetic Vault, 3DMJ’s (paid) Vault, or OutAlpha (free + paid) for the best FB routines.

Excellence Epiphanies

3 concise insight bullets to aid your holistic 360° self-development

Epiphany #1 — On Being Humble(d)…

Alcohol, lust, work, anger, anxiety, OCD, smoking, insomnia—we all have One Thing that brings us down to our knees.

This One Thing isn’t our “worst weakness” — it’s a blessing (in disguise). It’s God’s way of keeping us humble — so our Ego doesn’t destroy us. Because the choice is either to…

“Be humble or be humbled.”

If such a thing doesn’t exist, find it — that’ll humble and keep you humble.

Epiphany #2 — On True Self Love & Growth…

Self-love isn’t about wallowing in lazy instant gratification…

It’s about gently testing and pushing your limits — via enjoyable yet hard habits that bring out your best. Mentally, physically, and spiritually.

Vipassana, kickboxing, and writing do this for me. As Mabel Collins wrote in Light On The Path:

“Grow as the flower grows, unconsciously, but eagerly anxious to open its soul to the air.”

Epiphany #3 — On True Purpose…

Purpose isn’t “Dent the universe!” ambition — or “I love this!” passion…

It’s finding your unique gifts — and giving them away in service to others and the world.

Meditate on this — it’ll transform your whole life approach and trajectory.

“The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away.”

— Pablo Picasso

🎁 Bonus #1 — My (Now) Life’s Core 2-Phrase Slogan

Do Your Best.
Surrender The Rest.

Work(out) as hard and smart as you can. Let go of the results.

Patiently and persistently change whatever you can. Accept and let go of the rest.

Deal with life’s curveballs as well as you can. Surrender the rest.

Forces beyond our imagination run our lives. Surrender and/to stay sane. Read Letting Go by David Hawkins to learn how to do so practically.

Wall(paper) reminders of the same

🎁 Bonus #2 — 3 Rather Enlightening Memes

While I found 2 of these, I self-crafted 1. Can you guess which one?

1 — It’s All About Perspective :)

2 — The True Meaning of Detachment

3 — The Best Of Both Worlds — Heart and Mind Both.

🎁 Bonus #3–3 Potentially Life-Changing YT Videos

Invest time and patience into watching these — and reap life-changing ROI:

3 More Ways I Can Help and Be of Service to You:

I hope you loved this edition as much as I loved putting it together. That said, here are 3 more ways I can help:

  • My 1-On-1 Coaching/Consultation: From killing procrastination to finding love to sculpting your dream body, I can help with everything I’ve already achieved — minus the trial, error, and frustration.
  • Free Guidance On Twitter/𝕏: Questions, doubts, problems, challenges — whatever it is, DM me on Twitter. I’ll be happy to help you out.

Until then (and the next M360 edition), cya and take care!

Godspeed, Love, and Cheers!,
Neeramitra Reddy

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Neeramitra Reddy

See(k)ing Truth ✦ Building manximize.com - the best home for soulful 360° self-development ✦ neeramitrareddy.com