On Karma, Sustainable Fat-Loss, & Realistic ToDos

November 1st edition of the Manximize-1–2–3 newsletter

Neeramitra Reddy


Manximize-1–2–3 shares fortnightly insights on fitness, productivity, and all-round excellence. Plus, free access to my best articles, book picks, and more.

I first sent this to my 6300+ subscribers a week ago. To get these editions fresh in your inbox, subscribe here.

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At A Glance:

Proven Productivity

1 proven productivity habit/behavior and clear implementation steps.

Tired of incomplete ToDos that keep spilling over?

Here’s the 2-List method to the rescue. Every morning, segregate your ToDos into:

  • The Essentials — tasks that need to be finished at any cost.
  • The Waiting — tasks that can wait till the essentials are tackled.

Even if you miss the Waiting items, achieving the day’s Essentials will feel like a win psychologically.

Screenshot by the author

Avoid setting more than 1–3 Essentials and Waiting ToDos per day.

The disappointment of missing even 1 Essential ToDo will negate the joy of ticking off 2 or 3.

Fit Formulas

2 no-B.S. fitness & health tips from my 6+ years of experience & research.

Formula #1 — The Only “Necessary” Weight-Loss Factor

Research has repeatedly proven a calorie deficit to be the sole “necessary” factor for weight loss — a professor lost 27 lbs with a junk-only diet to prove this!

But while you “can” lose weight eating only junk, it’ll kill your (hormonal) health. That’s where realistic & balanced nutrition comes in.

Keto. Paleo. Intermittent Fasting. Carnivore — all trendy diets directly or indirectly create a calorie deficit.

Find your TDEE. Subtract a 300–1000 (skinny-fat to obese) deficit from it. Track with MyFitnessPal. Reduce by 100 calories each time weekly weight loss stalls.

That’s “Weight-Loss in A Nutshell”

Formula #2 — With Fat-Loss, Slow = Fast

The faster you lose fat, the more you wreck your (hormonal/mental) health — and the more likely you’ll rebound.

This is the reality of 90% of weight-loss cases!

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It is an insidious loop of getting motivated, hopping on extreme diets, bottling up cravings, and binge-eating back the weight.

Escape this cycle.

Lose body fat slowly and enjoyably. Then, keep it off forever.

P.S. The Ultimate Fat-Loss Bundle is a 360-degree 11-item pack that helps you do exactly that. Click here if you want to learn more about it.

Matters Of Excellence

#1 — The Cosmic Truth of Karma

The universe is a mirror — that magnifies and returns whatever you give.

#2 — Busyness Isn’t Productivity…

The “Why” and “How” matter more than “What” you do.

#3 — The Truth About “Boring” Things In Life

It’s our innate wonder that makes things exciting or boring.

3 YT Gems I’m Glad to Have Stumbled Upon…

The last 2 weeks threw uncommonly thought-provoking & valuable videos my way. Enjoy:

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Based on your feedback, the format/content keeps changing.

So, help me serve you better by filling out this quick survey — only 5 MCQ questions that will take 30 seconds.

Thanks in advance! Hope you have a great rest of the week.

Godspeed and cheers,
Neeramitra Reddy

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Neeramitra Reddy

(Un)learning... ✦ 3M+ Views ✦ Soulful 360° Self-Development✦ Building manximize.com ✦ 📩 neeramitra.writes@gmail.comneeramitrareddy.com