Source: Apple

WWDC21: 9 Exciting Little Features in iPadOS 15

This will fundamentally change the iPad experience

Akshay Gajria
Mac O’Clock
Published in
5 min readJun 8, 2021


At WWDC21, Apple unveiled its future softwares for all its major platforms. As an iPad user, I was waiting with bated breath to see what they would unveil. I had my own wishlist. They did add one feature from the my list, but there is much to be desired.

What they did show off looked pretty good. Beside the big features, there are several smaller changes within the software that make the experience on an iPad that much better. These are those quality of life changes I always look forward to.

Let’s dive into them:

1. Software Updates:

<Also available in iOS 15>

You now have two options when updating your device.
1. Stick to your current OS and update only the security updates. You can update the OS to the latest version with all its features later, when you’re ready (but not compromise on the security).
2. Or do the regular update, with a new OS, including the features and security.

This is a great little tweak. Sometimes, the day of the launch of a software, you just aren’t in a place work wise to install a new OS altogether that throws your workflow. This way…

