Go to MaculaX Therapeutics
MaculaX Therapeutics
Macula Therapeutics is a moonshot company aspiring to change the future of healthcare through breakthrough technologies in protein structure determination and protein therapeutics. We’re changing lives — one protein at a time.
Note from the editor

Macula Therapeutics is a moonshot company aspiring to change the future of healthcare through breakthrough technologies in protein structure determination and protein therapeutics. We’re changing lives — one protein at a time.

Go to the profile of Mukundh Murthy
Mukundh Murthy
Innovator passionate about the intersection between structural biology, machine learning, and chemiinformatics. Currently @ 99andbeyond.
Go to the profile of Kiran Mak
Kiran Mak
I love learning and am interested in materials science, education, and environmental sustainability.
Go to the profile of Mukundh Murthy
Mukundh Murthy
Innovator passionate about the intersection between structural biology, machine learning, and chemiinformatics. Currently @ 99andbeyond.
Go to the profile of Kiran Mak
Kiran Mak
I love learning and am interested in materials science, education, and environmental sustainability.