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Maddox Gallery
Maddox Gallery
Dedicated to supporting and showcasing the work of outstanding artists, both established and emerging, from across the globe.
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Why buy contemporary art by Harland Miller

Harland Miller art has a reputation for dodging copyright lawsuits, exhibiting at some of the most prestigious galleries in Europe and the US, and doubling its auction estimates. Here at Maddox Gallery, we’re honoured to represent Miller, and introduce…

Danny Minnick is the next big art investment name

It’s hard to believe that for Danny Minnick art has only been a passion for the last few years. Painting provided a creative alternative to skating following an injury, and Minnick hosted his first solo exhibition in 2011. Now, his work…

Why it’s the ideal time to buy Layer Cake art

It’s likely that you’ve already come across Layer Cake art on social media, or in person on the streets of New York. Also known as Sean Sullivan, Layer Cake is the latest street artist to find success in galleries across the world.