A night full of revelations and a jump for joy

Paula Thomas
MadeYouThink! with Paula Thomas
4 min readMar 26, 2017
Zachary Nelson

To enlighten means to give or receive greater knowledge or understanding about a subject or situation. It’s often used in a context of spiritual knowledge or insight.

You’re reading the conclusion of a series. To start at the beginning click here: My Night Revelation or link to the mobile series and read them all in one spot.

Early in the morning on June 6, 2016, I was enlightened with ten principles that I can only describe as a prescription for living a happy life. The “prescription” contains no medicine, no doctors, no psychologist’s couches, just an easy formula of ten principles to follow for personal well being.

I am using the principles to craft my method of thinking about myself, others and the world.

Individually, each are easy to reflect upon and incorporate. It only takes a little diligence, effort, and caring to go a long way in shifting your mentality and living well.

A summary of each revelations:

Rev One: Have healthy spiritual to all contact.

It’s more than being a nice guy, It’s recognizing we are all linked in spirit, making sure every connection benefits the health of all involved and supports mutual prosperity.

Rev Two: Cancel the loop, track, chatter, noise.

It’s like graffiti of the mind. You have the right to “authorize” all your thoughts. Cancel the cycling soundtrack with no purpose that only serves to confuse.

Rev Three: Greet the day with a smile.

It’s much more than painting a smile on your face in the morning. It’s waking up with anticipation of what you “get to do” everyday because there is a big difference in what you “get to do” and what you “have to do.”

Rev Four: Always be thankful.

Do not play the host of life become the gracious guest, because when you are the gracious guest of life, you naturally live with thankfulness.

Rev Five: Walk in the light.

We have two choices, we can lurk in the shadows hiding our self, or walk in the light accepting our self and becoming transparent for everyone to see.

Rev Six: Make peace.

Free your mind from regret. Regrets only serve to anchor you to the past. Life has one direction, it is forward.

Rev. Seven: Join the team.

Don’t just stand there, find your way of making a contribution. A “demand” that needs your “supply” and offer it unselfishly without haste.

Rev Eight: Careful not to relapse.

You’ve come so far. Think of change is an endurance event not a sprint.

Rev Nine: Welcome the Spirit with open arms, embrace the Spirit, feel it all around you, you are in the midst.

Being present within the Spirit and allowing the Spirit to be present in me, because everything we seek can be found in the divine when we openly embrace.

Rev Ten: The way will be paved, every channel, every turn with ease. Free of obstacles if you imagine it that way.

Create a clear vision of exactly what you want, hold it firmly in the imagination, focus on it intently, that’s when the path aligns without restriction or hesitation.

I was given these guiding principles 10 full months before writing about them. I’d think about them, pull them out and read them on occasion, but it took 10 months to realize what a valuable gift I possessed.

I’ve spent much of the last two weeks analyzing, contemplating, and writing on the deeper meanings of each. I believe the night revelations were sent to me in a particular order one building on the other.

Taking the time to solidify their meanings and real life application has been one of the most rewarding processes I’ve ever experienced.

I can’t say it’s a perfect interpretation, yet, I feel strongly that the interpretation is exactly right for me right now.

My highest hope is that through sharing them I help other people see the value and benefit of the lessons each revelation has to offer. As well as inspire others to find relevance and meaning in their own life.

I’m not finished with the revelations. I want to continue seeking insight and applicability. I see them as a call to action, and as I discussed in revelation eight, changing behavior takes time and consistency, but there’s not much I couldn’t look at through these 10 lenses and come to terms with.

“None of them are particularly profound in their own right. Yet, the compilation is profound.” Introductory post of this series.

Profound because my night revelations are the makings of something great, a prescription for living a happy life and a reason to jump for joy.

Thank you to everyone who completed the series, your interest and support is incredibly meaningful.


Before you go, Paula writes positive daily posts that uplift, inspire, and motivate. Get one to enjoy with your coffee every morning by subscribing below . . .



Paula Thomas
MadeYouThink! with Paula Thomas

I seek to help people know and understand their power to think. #Thinking#Inspiration#Motivation#Uplifting#Positive