Revelation Nine

Paula Thomas
MadeYouThink! with Paula Thomas
3 min readMar 24, 2017

Welcome the Spirit with open arms, embrace the Spirit, feel it all around you, you are in the midst.

Harman Abiwardan

I said midst . . . not mist.

What lies behind us and what lies ahead of us are tiny matters compared to what lives within us.

~Henry David Thoreau

You’re reading a continuation of a series. To start at the beginning click here: My Night Revelation or link to the mobile series and read them all in one spot.

There is a lot going on in this revelation so let’s break it down. As I talk about Spirit please keep in mind I am talking about the Universal or Infinite Intelligence. To me, these words are one in the same as well as interchangeable for the word God.

First part says: welcome the Spirit with open arms

Picture two people standing before you. The first looks a bit like he is standing at attention, he is straight, his head is up, natural in expression, but his arms are draped down by his side. The second supporting a similar expression but his arms are held slightly lower than his shoulders, stretched open and toward you, rounded, non ridged, palms up and hands spread. Which person would you approach?

There is an obvious difference between someone who is welcoming and someone who isn’t. When we are like the man with out stretched arms Spirit comes without hesitation. Welcome the Spirit with open arms.

Second part says: embrace the Spirit

To embrace is to receive gladly, willingly, to accept, encircle or hug. Doesn’t that feel good?

Third part says: feel it all around you

Grant me some leeway and a few moments. Close your eyes and let your guard down. Allow the lines to blur between you and the Spirit. Just trust. It’s Spirit after all. You and Spirit are intrinsically one.

Fourth part says: you are in the midst

You are central or in the middle of, not on the edges but completely encompassed. Spirit surrounds you and everyone else no matter where you are. It’s a given. Recall the lesson from revelation one. We are all joined in Spirit, each of us, every single living being, we are one.

Now that we are open, arms stretched, receiving and recognizing Spirit is everywhere we turn. The next step is to become aware of what Spirit is offering.

We live in an age of intelligence where progress and innovation happens in a blink of an eye, yet sometimes it seems like we get farther and farther from wisdom. When I talk about wisdom I mean an inner knowing. People may become smarter with advancements in science, math and technology but sometimes I wonder if it’s at the expense of connection. Connection with the Whole. Connection with Spirit.

Do we listen when we hear revelations that present themselves in the middle of the night or an inner voice directing us to visit a friend who’s having a hard time that we aren’t even aware of? Do we read the signs spirit delivers?

I see people who want to know what the weather is like outside and pull up a website instead of opening the window. I watch as people consult WebMD to diagnose indigestion instead of listening to the cues of their bodies.

Let’s bring it all together now.

I believe the ninth revelation I received that night back in June was encouraging me to embrace Spirit in a way in which I can personally apply to the act of living.

Being present within the Spirit and allowing the Spirit to be present in me, because everything we seek can be found in the divine when we openly embrace.

What’s next? A sneak peak at the final night revelation. The tenth statement I wrote that night said, “ The way will be paved, every channel, every turn with ease. Free of obstacles if you imagine it that way.”


Before you go, Paula writes positive daily posts that uplift, inspire, and motivate. Get one to enjoy with your coffee every morning by subscribing below . . .



Paula Thomas
MadeYouThink! with Paula Thomas

I seek to help people know and understand their power to think. #Thinking#Inspiration#Motivation#Uplifting#Positive