Revelation Ten

Paula Thomas
MadeYouThink! with Paula Thomas
3 min readMar 25, 2017

The way will be paved, every channel, every turn with ease. Free of obstacles if you imagine it that way.

Paul Morris

I’m fascinated by the synchronicity of events versus independence, whether we control what happens in life or whether everything is fated as destiny and whether there is a science to spirituality or no connection at all.

You’re reading a continuation of a series. To start at the beginning click here: My Night Revelation or link to the mobile series and read them all in one spot.

We’ve reached the tenth and final revelation of that night back in June. Like the others I understand it to be a spiritual directive. Guidance provided to me as a way of achieving anything. The revelation is another tool to reaching a happy life.

The way will be paved, every channel, every turn with ease. Free of obstacles if you imagine it that way. In other words, have tunnel vision. Take aim with your vision. Focus it on the exact thing you want.

Imagine is a key word in the revelation. To imagine is to form a mental image.

Dream it, picture it, make it as real in the imagination as humanly possible. Feel it as if it has already happened. Believe it down into your bones. Then everything else will line up in perfect order for you to have it.

The only rule is it must be harmonious, seek mutuality, harm no one.

Make the mental image. Make it clear, distinct, perfect; hold it firmly; the ways and means will develop; supply will follow the demand; you will be led to do the right thing at the right time and in the right way. ~ Charles Haanel from The Master Key System

Our minds place limits:

I could never be a . . . (fill in the blank) because I don’t have . . .

I’d never accomplish . . . because my background is only in . . .

Our egos put us in the center, assigning excess importance to our actions. As humans we think we have to figure it out, or have all the answers. We want to be the worker bees creating everything all by our self.

This revelation explains how doing just the opposite will deliver with certainty. It takes courage, belief, devotion, persistence and a completely different way of thinking about accomplishment. It’s not easy.

At the beginning I mentioned synchronicity. We’ve all heard stories of a door opening to reveal something unexpected but exactly what was needed.

It’s like making a connection to the person in the seat next to you on an airplane that ends up landing the biggest contract you’ve ever had with his brother who wanted exactly what you had to offer, or maybe the misfortune of breaking your toe, yet if you hadn’t, you’d never met your husband, the nurse at the clinic who bandaged you up.

Consider for a moment the possibility that the man on the plane had a vision of skyrocketing his company, providing jobs for his hometown. He didn’t know “how” for sure but he held his vision clear and strong and filled it with vitality. In this course of events you might say the way was paved, every channel, every turn with ease.

My tenth revelation said to me: The more distinct you can create the vision, the more beautiful, and grand, then holding it so firmly in your imagination that it becomes as natural an expression of you as the nose on your face, obstacles fall away and the accomplishment comes.

The right people and events show up. Situations arise you could never have planned, and decisions are apparent. Clearly and happily imagine what will be, that’s when the path aligns without restriction or hesitation . . . the way is paved with ease.

What’s next? The grand finale! I’m excited to share the summation of the series in tomorrow’s post.


Before you go, Paula writes positive daily posts that uplift, inspire, and motivate. Get one to enjoy with your coffee every morning by subscribing below . . .



Paula Thomas
MadeYouThink! with Paula Thomas

I seek to help people know and understand their power to think. #Thinking#Inspiration#Motivation#Uplifting#Positive