Revelation Two

Paula Thomas
MadeYouThink! with Paula Thomas
3 min readMar 15, 2017

Cancel the loop, track, chatter, noise.

Photo by Alice Pasqual

It’s like graffiti of the mind.

You’re reading a continuation of a series. To start at the beginning click here: My Night Revelation or link to the mobile series and read them all in one spot.

Graffiti is defined as the unauthorized writing or drawing on a surface. The word unauthorized is a good place to start.

I have no doubt revelation two from last June is about thoughts and mental noise. How much of our thought life is “unauthorized?”

I believe the statement is telling me I have the right to authorize everything I think. Anything unauthorized should be canceled, period, end of story.

Cancel the loop, track, chatter, noise. Specifically, what does it mean?

Every human is an artist. And this is the main art that we have: the creation of our story.
~Don Miguel Ruiz

Loop implies continuous, cycling.

Track implies a theme, like a soundtrack.

Chatter implies lack of purpose, foolish.

And noise implies confusing in nature.

Therefore, cancel the cycling soundtrack with no purpose that only serves to confuse.

As a single footstep will not make a path on the earth, so a single thought will not make a pathway in the mind. To make a deep physical path, we walk again and again. To make a deep mental path, we must think over and over the kind of thoughts we wish to dominate our lives.
~Henry David Thoreau

When we allow unauthorized thoughts to run wild we lose our power to shape our future.

I believe firmly that our interior {our thoughts} are perfectly reflected in our outward life. Like James Allen in As A Man Thinketh, “You are today where you’re thoughts have brought you, you will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you.”

Our predominant mental attitude is outwardly displayed.

The more effective we are at thinking right thoughts, replacing wrong ones, the more effective we are at living a happy life.

The question is how? How to cancel the loop, track, chatter, noise?

I have two ways:

1. Assign a “Watchman at the Gate.”

Run everything thought through a filter. Yes, you have the power to think about everything, and determine whether you let it in. Like checking the box next to authorized or rejected.

Do I believe it? Is it worthy of accepting? Does it have application to me and my life? Is it good for me and others? Or a simple “why?” works as well.

It’s equal to assigning a mental “Watchman at the Gate.” Put the watchman on guard. Use these questions or change them to suit.

Here are some thoughts my “watchman at the gate” rejected this morning: I’m not good at standing up for myself. I don’t know how to create value. No publication wants me. They were not allowed in!

I successfully canceled the cycling soundtrack with no purpose that only serves to confuse.

2. Escapism

Not into fallacy but into silence where all is worked out.

Who tells a finer tale than any of us. Silence does. ~Isak Dinesen

Diverting the mind from bombardment is freedom. It opens you to greater union.

I’ve found I need physical movement every day. Repetitive muscular action opens my mind, frees me from the noise and let’s higher thoughts come in.

My method may or may not work for you. Whatever your method, walking in the woods, sitting on the shore, meditation, contemplation.

Do it. Give yourself a few moments each day. The wonders are incredible.

You’ve not only canceled the cycling soundtrack of no purpose, you will clear the confusion and open to higher thoughts.

The process is ongoing. Persistence rewards, and soon the habit of canceling the noise forms. Go away unauthorized thoughts.

No more graffiti. Success.

What’s next? A sneak peak at the next night revelation. The third statement I wrote that night said, “Greet the day with a smile.”

MadeYouThink! I create positive daily posts that uplift, inspire, motivate, and most of all help you think your way to a perfectly suited life.

I’d love for you to follow and share. ~Paula



Paula Thomas
MadeYouThink! with Paula Thomas

I seek to help people know and understand their power to think. #Thinking#Inspiration#Motivation#Uplifting#Positive