Go to Magical HQ
Magical HQ
Magical is an all-in-one calendar — where meetings, actions, and knowledge are managed through smart automation, frictionless scheduling, and integrations with your favorite tools.
Note from the editor

Magical is an all-in-one calendar — where meetings, actions, and knowledge are managed through smart automation, frictionless scheduling, and integrations with your favorite tools.

Go to the profile of Tommy Barav
Tommy Barav
Founder of Supertools. 30K time-hackers community. Forbes 30 Under 30.
Go to the profile of Tommy Barav
Tommy Barav
Founder of Supertools. 30K time-hackers community. Forbes 30 Under 30.
Go to the profile of Tal Peretz
Tal Peretz
AI Engineer • 2x Founder • Building Scalable AI Systems for Tomorrow's Businesses