Magic Square Welcomes Beam

Magic Square
Magic Square
Published in
3 min readMay 27, 2022

Magic Square is honored to announce our partnership with Beam. Beam is one of the most secure and anonymous currencies available and their unique features will only serve to assist our users.

Magic Square + Beam

By integrating Beam into the Magic Square network, we’re giving our users access to the most secure, anonymous transfers in the crypto space. With Beam, Magic Square users get unfettered access to:

Every Beam transaction is private by default. This means that no one can see the Sender or Receiver of the transaction or the transaction’s value. On Beam, asset UTXOs are indistinguishable from Beam UTXOs. Currently, Beam supports BTC, LTC, QTUM, DASH, and DOGE.

Beam Wallets — both mobile and desktop — are known for their usability and practicality. Beam benefits from two types of transactions. The Beam Virtual Machine makes confidential dApps possible. Beam’s Contract Shader contains the logic running in Beam nodes and the App Shader takes care of the presentation layer allowing for a seamless installation of applications into Beam wallets.


Beam is a scalable, privacy-oriented cryptocurrency built around the sophisticated advancements brought forward by the revolutionary Mimblewimble protocol. This allows Beam to completely conceal the values and metadata of all transactions in a way that also reduces blockchain bloat. Beyond just enhanced privacy and fungibility, this gives Beam the option for far greater scalability.

Unlike several other coins, none of the cryptographic protocols used in Beam require a trusted setup. By using Equihash’s Proof-of-Work algorithm, Beam can utilize memory-hard challenges that gives an early advantage to over-the-counter GPU miners. Similar to Bitcoin, Beam guarantees scarcity through periodic halving. Complex transactions including escrows, time-locked transactions, atomic swaps, and more are all possible with Beam.

Beam will have no pre-mine and won’t have an ICO. Beam is backed by a treasury that’s emitted from every block during the first five years. Beam is being built from scratch by devs with years of experience in modern C++ system programming and is an implementation of all the cryptographic breakthroughs by the cryptocurrency community over the years.

About Beam

Beam is a next-gen confidential cryptocurrency whose goal is to give users peace of mind and security with their personal data. As a hybrid of innovation and sophistication, Beam utilizes Mimblewimble and Lelantus protocols to guarantee scalable and confidential transactions that don’t store your addresses on the blockchain. Users decide what personal data they want to be shared and with whom.

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About Magic Square

Magic Square is a DAO that simplifies Crypto.

Users can discover dApps, CeFi and DeFi, NFTs, Games, and much more in one place with an intuitive design.

This is a Web3 solution where the community vets, ranks, and prioritizes the apps via a DAO mechanism with clear earning metrics to incentivize the participation of validators, creators, and users.

Users can access all of the community vetted content with one click using the Magic Connect (Decentralized ID). This multi-chain wallet solution aims to become the Web3 alternative to Google or Apple connect.

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