Go to VK Design Team
VK Design Team
Дизайнеры VK (ex-Mail.ru Group) рассказывают о своей работе, культуре, ценностях и событиях
Note from the editor

Портальная дизайн-команда Mail.ru Group рассказывает о дизайн-системе, конференциях и митапах, свежих публикациях.

Go to the profile of VK Design Team
VK Design Team
Дизайнеры VK (ex-Mail.ru Group) рассказывают о своей работе, культуре, ценностях и событиях
Go to the profile of Slava Yashkov
Go to the profile of Mitya Chuk
Mitya Chuk
Design Director at ivi.ru
Go to the profile of Kostya
Go to the profile of Slava Yashkov
Go to the profile of Andrey Sundiev
Andrey Sundiev
Design Manager (DesignOps) @ Beamery, ex-Intercom, ex-Yandex
Go to the profile of Artem Gladkov
Artem Gladkov
Head of Design at Citydrive Carsharing
Go to the profile of Eugeny Dolgov
Eugeny Dolgov
Дизайнер, фотограф, музыкант :) Работаю в mail.ru group
Go to the profile of Mitya Chuk
Mitya Chuk
Design Director at ivi.ru
Go to the profile of Владимир Васильев
Go to the profile of Valeriy Sirotkin
Valeriy Sirotkin
Product designer at mail.ru group. Small steps towards a big dream.
Go to the profile of Stephane Vasadze
Stephane Vasadze
Product & Growth designer at Kinopoisk
Go to the profile of Анастасия Саутина
Анастасия Саутина
Designer Mail.ru Cloud Solutions
Go to the profile of Darya Spesivtseva
Darya Spesivtseva
Designer Mail.ru
Go to the profile of Julie Kozhukhova
Julie Kozhukhova
UX Researcher // Люблю исследовать и преподавать. Стараюсь много читать, а теперь захотелось и делиться своими мыслями. Ценю научный подход.
Go to the profile of Julia Kingsep
Julia Kingsep
UX Researcher @ Mail.ru Group
Go to the profile of Glasha P.
Glasha P.
UX researcher at Mail.ru, ex UX architect at Tochka Bank
Go to the profile of Daria
Go to the profile of Natalia Sprogis
Go to the profile of Elena Djuga
Go to the profile of Elena Dzhuga
Elena Dzhuga
Product designer at Ooma. Good design is as little design as possible
Go to the profile of Konstantin Kapustin
Konstantin Kapustin
✌️Visual Designer and Art Director with 9+ YOE / kkapustin.com/