Make Boise Better is now Make *Idaho* Better

Empowering and informing Idaho, in addition to Boise

Cam Crow
Make Idaho Better
2 min readOct 25, 2018


Make Idaho Better (previously Make Boise Better) is the easiest way to be a part of state and local solutions. Do your part.

Make Boise Better has come a long way.

Since launching in June 2018, we’ve created 20 surveys, added hundreds of subscribers, collected thousands of survey responses, and tens of thousands of people have seen our message — make your voice heard and make a difference!

But, we’ve been asked constantly why it’s only available for Boise and not other places too. At first, we were more focused on getting the idea off the ground than covering a larger area, but we’ve gotten our feet firmly under us at this point.

Now we’re ready to be more inclusive.

After exploring a lot of ideas about how to do this best, I’ve decided to include all of Idaho — not just Boise, or Ada County, or the Treasure Valley. I’ll be working to find the best balance between the hyper-relevance of local information and the inclusivity of a more diverse points of view.

Logistically, it means that surveys will normally be sent to all of our subscribers, anywhere in Idaho. But different levels of analysis will be possible: I’ll continue to provide the Boise angle, and I’ll add new angles over time (other cities, counties, regions, and the whole state).

We’re going to figure this out as we go.

But, not a lot should change for our current subscribers, as least as I envision things now. You’ll continue to get our surveys and analysis sent to you via email, just with a different name and logo.

If you want to help, tell your Idaho friends and family that they can join too!

We’re embarking on a new chapter. Let’s do this!

(This still image is for the cover photo. Gifs don’t work for that…)

