Email 01

Daniel Good
Make Work Better
Published in
2 min readJan 24, 2019

Hey, Here is our first run at a Make Work Better email, a somewhat regular email on all things org design, with a local focus for Ireland. Hope you enjoy.


“70% of Organizational Change Initiatives Fail” — How the myth evolved — I have seen and heard this number used many times. Interesting how often it has been regurgitated over decades without any evidence to back it up.

The 4 Modes of Teamwork (3min, LinkedIn) — August co-founder Mike Arauz. “Highly effective teams are really good at being explicit with each other about which mode they’re in”

A Complete Guide to Tagging for Personal Knowledge Management (28m, Praxis Blog) — A long read from Tiago Forte about tagging. Relevant for org’s because he looks at networks vs hierarchies. Lots of talk about the need for organisations to move away from hierarchies, towards more networked arrangements, but this is often one of the more difficult principles to digest. Interesting to read a brief analysis of the two at the start of this article for context.


Work Hub — Bud Caddell (NOBL) and Jess Leitch (Idean UK) launched a website to try and gather a community around org design. The goal of Work Hub is to 1) “be a place to define your ways of working as a team” and 2) “show you popular new ways of working that you can try on your team”. You can read more about it here.

Examine (And Fix!) Your Organization! (YouTube) — Sharan Bal and Sam Spurlin of The Ready open their workshop with a quick overview of their thoughts on org design from the Work Awesome conference in New York.


- WeWork is set to lease Clery’s building on O’Connell Street with Press Up also set to run a hotel, bar and restaurant. link
- You would have been doing well to miss the news here that Supermacs won a trademark battle with McDonalds. link


The Emperor’s New Strategy — A look at the contrasting perspectives on Honda’s strategy for breaking into the US motorcycle industry in the 60s.

What I’m Reading

The Management Myth — An insider’s takedown of the consulting industry, but also a well researched critique of some of the biggest contributors to management thought from the last century.

Thats all, thanks for reading,


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