Type of logo Design: Choose the right one for your business or startup

How many types of logos are used? and which one is the right fit for the business. With my experience, I figured out there are 8 types of logos we can categorize.

Kanhaiya Sharma
Makers   Design Studio
6 min readSep 12, 2019


8 type of logos

In the last article (What is a logo?). we discussed the meaning of a logo and why it’s important.

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Now we will understand the type of logos. we will discuss how you can find and get a logo for your business or startups. Where you can find the best solution for a logo according to your budget & differentiate between. which logo works best according to your requirements, brand needs, and needs of your business and When yo use them for your branding and marketing purpose.

How many types of logo designs are there?

Logos have multiple types. there are some known as Wordmark or logotype, logomark, Emblem Logos, Pictorial or Symbol Logo, Lettermark or Monograms, Abstract, Mascot or Sport, Combination Logo Marks, Dynamic Logo.

Let's discuss this in brief. There are many types of logos we can categorize.

Type of logos!

8 types of logo designs to consider with examples and how to use them

  • Emblem Logo Marks
  • Pictorial or Symbol Logo Design
  • Wordmark logos or logotypes
  • Lettermark or Monograms logos
  • Abstract Logo
  • Mascot Logos or Sport Logos
  • Combination Logo Marks
  • Dynamic Logo Identity

The Emblems Logo

What is an Emblem Logo?

Emblem logos are the oldest form of logos that are still popular. the logo that is present with text and symbol inside a solid shape is known as an emblem logo mark. these logos have a traditional feel in them. Emblems make a good first impression & easily remarkable. Emblems mostly are chosen by Government Offices or Government Departments, Automobile Industry, School, Colleges, and Universities.
Examples: Harley Davidson, Starbucks.


  • Bold And Make a Striking Impactful.
  • If you want the same impact for your logo then you should go with the Emblem logo.


  • Not Responsive elements lost while scaling. Not a good fit for every business.
Emblems Logo Marks
Emblem logo mark examples
Emblems Logo Marks by kanhaiya sharma
The Warrior Monk Emblem Logo

When to use an emblem as a logo?

The emblem can be used when a business wants to show them self as traditional, authentic

Pictorial or Symbol Logos

What is a Pictorial or Symbol Logo?

Symbolic logo marks(a brand mark or logo symbol) that use an icon as the main symbol to represent the brand. pixel-perfect marks that are easily scalable. Most used logo designs that work well for big banners as well as 16px *16px favicon size.

The brand mark has the power of a stand-alone icon to represent their brand.
Many brands that are well-established uses brand marks.
Mostly used by Tech-Startups, Online business, Mobile companies.
Example: Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, Dribbble, Target.


  • Easily scalable
  • No text required to get recognization
  • Good for making the brand future proof.


  • Hard to choose the right symbol to represent your brand. Perfectly done by an Expert only.
  • Fits with branding, marketing, and business materials easily with no change required.
  • Not good for Traditional businesses or serious business.
  • Should required name with the logo when not well recognized.
Pictorial or Symbol Logos
Pictorial or Symbol Logos Example

Wordmark logos or logotypes

What is Wordmark logos or logotype?

Wordmark logos are the logo that is written is text font-based logos with some minor or no tweaking. if your business primarily focused on your brand name. go with wordmark logos.
Example: Google, Instagram, Zara, Armani, Forbes, Disney, Canon, Kodak.


  • Make the brand strong and recognition.
  • Known by brand name.


  • Required a symbol because can’t be used by in small scale like on favicon size.
  • Not a good solution if the name is too Big.
  • Required Strong typography knowledge designer.
Wordmark logos or logotypes
Wordmark Logo Examples

Lettermark or Monogram logos

What is Lettermark or Monogram logo?

Logo marks that are designed by just 2–3 letters are known as Lettermarks or Monograms. Widely used by companies who have big names.
Example: IBM, HBO, NASA.


  • Make the brand strong and recognition.
  • It works well if a company has a big name like IBM = International Business Machines.
  • Good solution if the name is too Big.


  • Required strong shape knowledge.
  • Good Knowledge of color & basic forms.
  • Required strong typography knowledge designer.
Lettermark or Monogram logos
Lettermarks (or monogram logos)

Abstract Logo

What is an Abstract Logo?

An Abstract logo mark is a logo pictorial image but not a mark that can symbolize or recognize with any other shape like a bird or car.
Mostly based on abstract geometric shapes that represent your brand.

Abstract logo mark helps the brand to just known by or for only one particular thing but Expandable and Dynamically scalable in the future according to growth.


  • Future Proof
  • Eye-catchy


  • Required Expertise.
  • Required strong basic shape knowledge.
  • Good Knowledge of color & basic forms.
Abstract Logo
SriSahasra logo design

Mascot Logos or Sports logos

What is the Mascot logo or sports logo?

Mascot logos or sports logos are mostly hand-drawn logo marks that include Illustration, Cartoonist, or funny symbol in logos.

Widely used for funny or Sports brands. that uses Any particular character or mascot for the logo with text combined sometimes. full of colors and attention-grabbing.


  • Eye-catchy
  • Easily Connectable


  • None-responsive
  • Increases print cost
  • Good Knowledge of color & basic forms.
Mascot Logos or Sports logos
Mascot Logos (Sports logos) Examples

Combination Mark

What is a Combination Mark?

Combination Marks are graphics with both text and a symbol/icon that conveys the brand image that you wish to create for your company or organization. Concise text can complement an icon or symbol, providing supplemental clarity as to what your enterprise is all about. mostly combination marks include logotype with symbol or icon.


  • Future Proof
  • Eye-catchy
  • Recognizable
  • timeless
Combination Mark
Combination Mark

Dynamic logo

What is a dynamic logo?

A dynamic logo is also known as an adaptable logo — one that changes depending on the context in which it’s placed. Unlike the above-mentioned logotype dynamic logo meant to be transformed. it can be any type of change from color to the symbol.


  • Required Strong Context
  • Adds to Your Brand Identity
Dynamic logo
MITE Media lab logo design for diffrent branches
Dynamic logo
Nickelodeon dynamic logo implementations

let me know on my email if you have anything to add.

Feel free to get in touch with me for Design consultation or project quotation at: Kanhaiyasharma.id@gmail.com

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