Satoshi is Female

Nyla Rodgers
Published in
2 min readMar 16, 2018

In November of 2017, Mama Hope launched our Crypto for a Cause campaign to raise bitcoin for impact. Since then I have been invited to speak at multiple Crypto conferences as a “crypto philosopher” and I always start by stating to the audience,

“Isn’t it obvious? Satoshi is Female.”

For those of you who not familiar with the name Satoshi Nakamoto, he/she/it/they are the anonymous inventor of Bitcoin. I love that this person‘s identity is still unknown to the public because it allows me to imagine that they could be anyone on the planet.

Most people have heard about cryptocurrencies posed as a get rich quick scheme run by a bunch of crypto-bros. Thanks John Oliver. But as I began to dive in and really understand the technology and philosophy behind the Blockchain it became more and more apparent that this is an inherently feminine approach to the way value moves across the world.

Here are 5 examples that illustate “Satoshi is Female”

  1. Collaboration — in opposition to ego. Instead of having one centralized point of transaction, the blockchain is built by multiple points working together in unison to create more security.
  2. Inclusion — The fact that it is open source encourages all people to participate in its further innovation.
  3. Values-driven — for the first time in history we have the ability to infuse values like generosity, equality and goodness into our currencies.
  4. Community centered — the Blockchain gains financial value when there is buy in by its community.
  5. Generosity — a crypto millionaire named “Pine” created the Pineapple Fund and donated over $55M in bitcoin to charities declaring that “once you have enough money, money doesn’t matter” and it should shared.

I see Blockchain and the wealth generated from it as an opportunity to build new systems that are power-with instead of power over. These new systems will only be better if there are a diverse set of perspectives that are part of its creation. I believe it is the people who were formerly left out of the current system, who if given access, will be the creators of a system that benefits all.

Satoshi is Female is a metaphor for a more optimistic, global and inclusive future. Join us.


All proceeds from Satoshi Is Female t shirts will help grow Mama Hope’s impact worldwide.

