It’s a Wrap! 2021 is Done and Dusted!

Lana Graham
Mama Write
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2 min readJan 12, 2022
Photo by Crystal Jo on Unsplash

For a while there, it almost felt like the year 2021 was neverending. Kind of like that awesome kid's movie, The Neverending Story, except 2021 wasn’t so awesome.

However, in between all that COVID-yuckiness, political scandals, fear and loathing, there were some awesome articles that were published in Mama Write.

Here they are, in no particular order of awesomeness:

Rachel Maree gave parents awesome top tips for surviving those long, cold, hard COVID days when you had to not only get up with your alarm, but also had to go to work while your kids were at home with you during lockdown. Her article, Working From Home With Children gives a slice of COVID life with realistic tips that actually worked.

Jillian Enright turned the tables with her thought-provoking, modern take on parenting. Her article, Why I’m Okay With My Son Calling Me Out tells it as it is and tells us what it takes to raise an awesome kid. She’s on the path to raising one critically-thinking, emotionally-agile human being.

Adelina Vasile wrote my favourite Mama Write story of 2021. Her article, 4 Tips From A Writer Mom On Applying For Jobs On Upwork, might sound a tad boring, but trust me, it’s not. While I’ve never dabbled on Upwork, her sound advice will get any job seeker the ultimate job. Her tips are simple yet effective, and even more gobsmacking, she’s a non-native English speaker and she has a 100% job success score. Seriously, am I the only one feeling inadequate right now?!

Catherine Londero’s article, Perfectionism — It’s just not worth it! really hit home with me. I’m a self-confessed perfectionist, so this article was excellent reading material during those depressive COVID days. (What am I saying, we’re still in the midst of COVID?) Read her article if you’re a perfectionist. Don’t blame me if you get triggered.

And finally, one of my own articles. One of my most popular Mama Write stories of 2021 was I’m 40 And I Want To Be A Writer. If you’re mid-life, like me, then you might be having the same kind of mid-life feelings about where you are and where you wanted to be. However, I promise this story has a happy ending!

And that’s a wrap on Mama Write’s top writer’s contributions to Medium in 2021. I wish you all an awesome 2022 with happiness, health and good luck. You deserve it.

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Lana Graham.

