Parents, Just Spend Time with Your Kids

But can you?



At a coffee shop the other day, a barista shared his experience serving customers on weekends vs. weekdays —

On weekends the clientele is really difficult he shared — people come with their kids, and they can’t seem to control the kids because they don’t know how.

Most parents don’t spend much time with the kids during the week.

When the weekend comes around the parents are now “stuck” with the kids for 12 straight hours so they have no idea how to deal with the kids.

They attempt to get them outside, take them to shows, etc. and meanwhile let them run rampant tearing the place apart.

What’s the solution I asked?

“Spend time with your kids” it’s that simple.

Is it simple though?

In a culture and society where moms are forced to go back to work 6 months after birth, commute times are longer than ever, and parents come home exhausted after working 10+ hour days .

Are we as a society too tired to “deal” with our kids?

So we stock our pharmacies with formula, stick our kids in daycare, and “put up” with them on weekends calling it quality time?

If that’s the case, what type of kids are we raising and who will they become as adults?

As a society, where do we place our values?




First time mom, lifelong learner, storyteller. Sharing my self-experiments in maternal wellbeing. On a mission to help moms of the world feel their best.