The Art of Change: Fellowship

Sections 9–16: Nurturing, Mistakes, Balance, Obstruction, Fellowship, Power, Modesty, Excess

Erik Schön
Management Matters
Published in
5 min readFeb 13, 2024


Photo by Shane Rounce on Unsplash

How do you handle change? The Art of Change provides timeless answers to this eternal question. It is a modern reading of The Book of Changes/I Ching— a guide for sustainable success in turbulent times. Discover solutions for your current situation by exploring the relevant sections and considering how you can apply the change patterns in your context. All parts.


Seeking solid ground,

flexible, yet determined,

small steps for success.

When struggling, how might we …

… recall our purpose?

Be ready to return to your original purpose when struggling after a change in direction.

… collaborate using mutual interest?

Collaborate with people who have the same interests to overcome common difficulties.

… collaborate flexibly?

Collaborate by considering other people’s perspectives to avoid a locked orientation and unnecessary conflicts.

… embody integrity to build trust?

Integrity wins trust, the foundation of long-term relationships and successful collaboration.

… build trust to collaborate easily?

Doing things together and learning together builds trust, the foundation for successful collaboration.

… stay cautious when success is near?

Stay humble and careful to avoid losing what you have gained.


Proceed — with caution.

Improve and follow doctrine.

Dare to try and learn.

How might we avoid mistakes by …

… keeping it simple?

Act according to capabilities and keep things as simple as possible but not simpler.

… keeping calm?

Keep calm and carry on while considering other people’s perspectives.

… acting according to our capabilities?

Don’t bite off more than you can chew. Avoid impulsive actions and being overconfident.

… being careful when following a strong leader?

To accompany a king is like accompanying a tiger. Old Chinese proverb

… being determined?

Stay determined and seek other people’s perspectives for successful decisions and actions.

… considering the past to learn for the future?

After the situation has passed, evaluate the steps that led you to this position and the outcomes on various levels.


First, balance yourself.

Then, balance society.

All in harmony.

How might we secure balance by …

… following purpose?

Start with “why” to secure a fellowship of willing people and progress will follow.

… seeking unity in diversity?

Be open and seek diverse perspectives to attract capable people. Use purpose and courage to secure a coherent direction for everyone’s actions and decisions.

… embracing opposites and the cycles of life?

Nothing lasts forever: booms follow busts, contraction follows expansion. Therefore, plan for turbulence in peaceful times.

… securing trust and respect?

Use trust and respect to build team spirit for sustainable success rather than individual incentives and forceful persuasion.

… seeking alliances of complementary capabilities?

Find people with complementary expertise and behaviours to handle diverse situations during turbulent times.

… going with the flow?

When a cycle reaches its most favourable phase, it is essential to recognise that this phase is temporary and will eventually end. Resisting this natural change is futile and will only lead to disappointment. Therefore, prepare for the inevitable downturn that will come.


Among enemies:

conceal your integrity;

avoid, adapt, leave.

When facing challenges, how might we …

… strengthen teamwork?

In the beginning, when faced with obstruction, strengthen teamwork and collaboration.

… maintain our integrity?

Avoid pleasing people who lack integrity. Instead, maintain your dignity.

… choose our actions?

Avoid improper conduct and incorrect practices to maintain your integrity.

… go with the flow?

Make timely adjustments to be ready to go with the flow together.

… strengthen our position?

Build your capabilities to strengthen your position for favourable times while preparing for new obstructions.

… prepare for success?

In the cycles of life, fortune follows adversity and vice versa. So, in challenging times, prepare for success.


Working together:

shared values, common purpose

crossing the ocean.

When collaborating, how might we …

… connect with people?

Be open and connect with people – without judgement or prejudice – to secure fellowship.

… be open to different perspectives?

Be open to different perspectives to secure a fellowship rather than a cult.

… be patient?

It takes time to build trust through shared experiences.

… be curious?

Learn from mistakes and be willing to change direction.

… combine purpose with autonomy?

Be aligned on the purpose — the “why” — as a foundation for autonomy on the “how” of actions and decisions. Strive for a diverse fellowship with different perspectives.

… seek influence?

Seek people from different backgrounds with complementary capabilities, e.g. skills, experiences and behaviours.


Stop evil, do good

use experience and skills

like light from the sun.

How might we create and use power …

… by staying humble?

Before you have built power to influence — including a network of allies — stay humble and be aware of potential difficulties.

… by being responsible?

With great power comes great responsibilities.

… for the benefit of our stakeholders?

Use power and influence to succeed together with your stakeholders. Avoid suboptimising for yourself and your team.

… with modesty?

If you avoid bragging, you minimise envy.

… through trust?

Start trusting others until they prove themselves untrustworthy. They will feel it and start trusting you.

… by following climatic patterns and going with the flow?

Be willing to support others as much as you are eager to lead them.


Assess your context

look for diverse perspectives

keep being modest.

How might we use modesty …

… to get help?

A modest person easily overcomes barriers by getting help and support when going into the unknown.

… from within?

Genuine modesty comes from integrity rather than outward actions since outward modesty could be artificial.

… to get widespread support?

Actions carried out with genuine humility and quiet confidence gain support from a wider audience.

… in all relationships?

Be modest with all stakeholders, e.g. leaders, followers, customers, colleagues and allies.

… in combination with action?

Take decisive action as needed using purpose, integrity and modesty.

… while maintaining our integrity?

If you are too modest, you will lose people’s trust.


In times of excess:

dare to delegate with trust;

prepare for action.

When things are going well, how might we …

… stay modest?

Be enthusiastic about succeeding together. Avoid boasting about your success.

… persevere in purpose?

Avoid being misled by illusions and be flexible as needed.

… stay self-reliant

Avoid being dependent on gurus or leaders.

… follow integrity and capability?

Maintain your confidence, and your friends will remain loyal.

… delegate and decentralise?

When wealth or power increases, delegate responsibilities to trustworthy allies.

… restrain ourselves?

If extreme joy and happiness lead to self-centredness, then develop mindfulness and reduce expenses.

The Art of Change: All Parts

Pick section(s), ponder patterns, change, learn, repeat!

Contents: A summary of all parts
Introduction: Patterns for Success

  • Sections 1–8: Turbulence, Flow, Growth, Learning, Waiting, Conflict, Competition, Collaboration
  • Sections 9–16: Nurturing, Mistakes, Balance, Obstruction, Fellowship, Power, Modesty, Excess
  • Sections 17–24: Following, Renewal, Attitude, Observing, Resistance, Image, Division, Cycles
  • Sections 25–32: Flowing, Capabilities, Nourishing, Overload, Danger, Knowledge, Resonance, Perseverance
  • Sections 33–40: Retreating, Strength, Progress, Darkness, Teamwork, Opposition, Difficulty, Removal
  • Sections 41–48: Decline, Surge, Determination, Alliances, Teaming, Rising, Adversity, Energising
  • Sections 49–56: Change, Renewing, Shock, Stillness, Development, Underdog, Success, Unknown
  • Sections 57–64: Influencing, Joy, Dispersal, Restraining, Integrity, Exceeding, Completion, Incomplete

Glossary: Explanation of key terms
Acknowledgements: Standing on the shoulders of giants
Sources: Where to learn more
Other reading formats



Erik Schön
Management Matters

From hacker, software researcher, system engineer to leader, executive, strategizer. Writer: #ArtOfChange #ArtOfLeadership #ArtOfStrategy