The Art of Change: Perseverance

Sections 25–32: Flowing, Capabilities, Nourishing, Overload, Danger, Knowledge, Resonance, Perseverance

Erik Schön
Management Matters
Published in
6 min readMar 18, 2024


Photo by Lucas Myers on Unsplash

How do you handle change? The Art of Change provides timeless answers to this eternal question. It is a modern reading of The Book of Changes/I Ching — a guide for sustainable success in turbulent times. Discover solutions for your current situation by exploring the relevant sections and considering how you can apply the change patterns in your context. All parts. Other reading formats.


Going with the flow

with integrity, purpose

just like water does

When securing flow including working methods, how might we …

… go forward with integrity?

Go forward with integrity and a beginner’s mind to gain support from your stakeholders.

… reap what we sow?

To expect outcomes without effort is unrealistic. A farmer can expect a harvest after ploughing

… look for systemic causes?

The unexpected will happen. Look for systemic causes and avoid blaming people.

… trust our integrity?

Avoid mistakes and succeed with your stakeholders by trusting your integrity.

… change actions based on evidence?

When faced with unexpected challenges, stick to your current direction and go with the flow until evidence shows that a change will be beneficial, even if no mistakes were made.

… carefully consider improvements?

If it works, there is no need to fix it — go with the flow.



more means growing your power.

then, use it wisely

When building capabilities, how might we …

… pause when needed?

With skills and experience comes insight about when to pause and when to move ahead as challenges appear.

… pause when unbalanced?

When a situation or a relationship is deteriorating, pause and evaluate.

… be willing and prepared?

Be aware of potential challenges and move forward cautiously.

… moderate the energy of the inexperienced?

Pay attention to people with limited experience and much energy to avoid unnecessary mistakes.

… change the conditions when needed?

Change the conditions earlier in the workflow so that challenges disappear sooner and with less effort.

… go with the flow on a calm sea?

With a smooth road ahead, use your capabilities and power wisely to reach success.


Nourishing yourself

team and organisation

in a steady pace

When growing, how might we …

… use our strengths to improve?

Use the energy in your strengths to improve. Build new habits and avoid comparing yourself to others.

… seek inspiration from others?

Seek inspiration from both expected and unexpected people.

… combine inspiration and initiative?

Stay inspired and make sure to maintain your integrity and agency.

… be mentors and find mentors?

You can help others in your areas of expertise and be helped by others in their areas of expertise.

… seek support?

Find inspiration and support from people with complementary capabilities, e.g. people with skills, experiences, behaviours and perspectives you lack.

… inspire others?

Inspire others to go into the unknown while being aware and cautious.


When overloaded

adapt to change with caution

gently like a breeze

When there is too much work, how might we …

… be cautious initially?

In the early stages of overload, prepare carefully and respectfully.

… balance our capabilities?

Balance complementary capabilities, e.g. strength and respect.

… be open-minded?

Ask for and follow advice from others. Avoid being stubborn and arrogant, which can lead to isolation and increasing difficulties.

attend to our stakeholders’ needs?

Balance support, advice and time — based on the needs of your stakeholders.

… form alliances based on complementary capabilities?

Alliances and mergers are more valuable when they are based on complementary capabilities that are fit for the future.

… use our capabilities wisely?

Avoid overstretching your capabilities when going into the unknown. If overstretching, then behave properly to succeed in your mission.


In dangerous times

stay confident and persist

water moves mountains

In danger, e.g. during layoffs and re-organisations, how might we …

… know our capabilities?

Acknowledge the situation as it is to avoid unnecessary danger. Seek support from others when needed.

… go for small wins first?

Start with easy tasks and use them to learn for larger gains.

… know when to pause?

When faced with danger, wait until conditions change before making any moves.

… build trust?

Long-term relationships thrive on simplicity, honesty, and open communication. Communicate honestly, simply, and openly to ensure mutual understanding and build trust.

… assess our capabilities?

Be realistic about your capabilities and avoid being stubborn when faced with danger to prevent isolation.

… show that actions have consequences?

Be prepared to face the outcomes of successes and failures as well as misjudgements that may occur.


Knowing yourself and

knowing others will lead to


When building knowledge, how might we …

… find a suitable direction?

Choose a suitable direction before proceeding. Evaluate the risks based on facts and avoid hasty decisions.

… act in moderation?

Avoid extreme actions and be open to new perspectives and insights.

… go with the flow?

Accept the situation, stay flexible and encourage others even during desperate times.

… avoid self-made problems?

Avoid troubles caused by your reckless actions, which can lead to isolation. Examples include putting a new idea into practice immediately without considering its feasibility, forcing people to follow, and blaming them if the mission fails.

… prepare for the worst?

In peaceful times, prepare for the worst by considering scenarios and risks.

… play to our strengths?

Develop your strengths and accept minor weaknesses. Use your strengths to improve yourself and your organisation.


From all energies

resonating hearts-and-minds

all in harmony

When collaborating, how might we …

… decide based on facts?

Consider capabilities, facts along with intuition when making decisions. Intuition alone is insufficient to justify an action.

… act with timing?

Wait for appropriate conditions before taking action, rather than acting impulsively.

… follow with open eyes?

Avoid following others mindlessly and being driven by external factors. Instead, think for yourself and follow based on integrity and calm reflection.

… interact with integrity?

Avoid manipulations, pressure and control. Interact and influence based on integrity.

… interact with objectivity?

Influence and be influenced while maintaining objectivity.

… interact with substance?

Actions speak louder than words. Back up your words with actions.


Persist within change

change within perseverance,

as thunder, as wind

When facing challenges, how might we persevere …

… with patience?

Establishing long-term relationships requires patience and careful reflection. Avoid wanting too much too soon, as it may leave you empty-handed.

… with balance?

Keep a sense of balance. Do just enough to keep things moving in a suitable direction and avoid regrets.

… with stability?

Hope and fear disrupt your balance. Learn to control your mood using integrity to avoid changing your mind too often.

… in purpose?

Make suitable decisions by balancing perseverance and flexibility. Use your determination effectively to achieve your goals.

… with flexibility?

Be adaptable. Learn from others when appropriate, and also trust yourself when necessary. Flexibility is critical to success.

… with calmness?

Keep calm and carry on instead of stirring things up since in some situations, continuous activity is counter-productive.

The Art of Change: All Parts

Pick section(s), ponder patterns, do, learn, repeat!

Contents: A summary of all parts
Introduction: Patterns for Success

  • Sections 1–8: Turbulence, Flow, Growth, Learning, Waiting, Conflict, Competition, Collaboration
  • Sections 9–16: Nurturing, Mistakes, Balance, Obstruction, Fellowship, Power, Modesty, Excess
  • Sections 17–24: Following, Renewal, Attitude, Observing, Resistance, Image, Division, Cycles
  • Sections 25–32: Flowing, Capabilities, Nourishing, Overload, Danger, Knowledge, Resonance, Perseverance
  • Sections 33–40: Retreating, Strength, Progress, Darkness, Teamwork, Opposition, Difficulty, Removal
  • Sections 41–48: Decline, Surge, Determination, Alliances, Teaming, Rising, Adversity, Energising
  • Sections 49–56: Change, Renewing, Shock, Stillness, Development, Underdog, Success, Unknown
  • Sections 57–64: Influencing, Joy, Dispersal, Restraining, Integrity, Exceeding, Completion, Incomplete

Glossary: Explanation of key terms
Acknowledgements: Standing on the shoulders of giants
Sources: Where to learn more
Other reading formats: Hardcover, paperback and PDF



Erik Schön
Management Matters

From hacker, software researcher, system engineer to leader, executive, strategizer. Writer: #ArtOfChange #ArtOfLeadership #ArtOfStrategy