The Weekly Rundown: Embrace Feedback, Navigating Tensions at Work, and more

Matt VanGent
Management Matters
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2 min readJul 26, 2020

In case you missed it, we had some great stories this past week at Management Matters. Whatever challenge you’re facing, we’ve got the resources to help you through it!

Navigating Tensions at Work as a Leader

If your workplace doesn’t have tension, you might be a self-employed team of one! Tension and strained relationships keep us from doing our best work- find out how you can take active steps to navigate these circumstances.

The Higher You Climb, the Less You See

Do you remember what it was like to be an entry-level employee? The candid conversations, the “oh, shoot, I hope my boss didn’t overhear that” feeling when you shared how you really felt, or even just the acute awareness of the customer experience. The higher up in the org chart you progress, the harder it is to stay in touch with these things. Check this story out to find out how you can fix this problem.

Embrace Feedback- The Gift that Keeps on Giving

Receiving quality feedback is one of the best ways to improve. Your team needs you to be the one who gives them that gift. If you want to learn how, check out this article. For a deep dive into the value and process of feedback, check out last week’s book recommendation, Radical Candor.

Do You Feel Like You’re In Over Your Head?

If you struggle with imposter syndrome, feel out of your depth, or are just struggling with the next steps to take in uncharted territory, check out this article for some helpful tips.

This Week’s Book Recommendation

Your mindset is one of the single greatest factors impacting how you manage others. Michael Bungay Stanier in The Coaching Habit lays out some practical steps you can take and helpful questions you can ask that help you develop a coaching mindset.

One of the biggest mistakes you can make as a manager is trying to do everything yourself. Adopting a coaching mindset is the quickest way to adapt. Read this book, take his suggestions to heart, and see the impact it has on your team.

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Here’s to seeing all of us become better leaders,

Matt VanGent




Matt VanGent
Management Matters

CFO and nonprofit leader. Writing about things that help you succeed personally and professionally. Leadership coaching available: