Announcement <> MDX supported on BitGo

Security consciousness is our mandate and it starts with the backend!

Anant Handa
2 min readSep 26, 2018
#MDX is now supported on BitGo and included in their new, BitGo Custody Service.

We are proud to announce support for Mandala’s MDX token on BitGo. BitGo is a cryptocurrency wallet and now custody service provider, having recently announced their, BitGo Custody Service. MDX will be part of the new AUC (Assets Under Custody) service, which includes vaulted cold wallet infrastructure.

While general users won’t yet have access, enterprise and business customers can implement BitGo’s security conscious approach to cryptocurrency and digital asset custody, adding additional layers of security to their MDX holdings.

Cryptocurrency and Blockchain technology are still novel and cyber security should be a primary concern for all participants in the technology space. Taking the necessary steps to ensure the integrity of the Mandala platform allows us to mitigate and manage cyber risk.

In implementing support for MDX with BitGo we ran some tests with the platform and have moved Mandala’s MDX holdings to the new wallet structure!

A screen shot depicting the movement of #MDX to BitGo’s new Assets Under Custody Service.

We are gearing up for the launch of the Mandala Platform and have made it our policy to ensure we continuously explore all avenues that will strengthen our cyber security, from internal policies to working with vendors like BitGo!

Stay tuned for the upcoming announcement of our closed Beta signup!

Yours Truly,

Anant Handa, Co-Founder & CSO

Token and coin submission for listing is now open submit your project for review at



Anant Handa

Co-Founder at Mandala | Blockchain Innovator | Strategic⚡Investor | Start-Up Advisor