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ManiarTech®️ is a software engineering and consulting firm specializing in modern web & enterprise applications. Our mission is to innovate software solutions that drive progress & create a better tomorrow. Join us on Medium to stay up-to-date with our latest insights & idea.
Note from the editor

ManiarTech®️ is a software engineering and consulting firm specializing in modern web & enterprise applications. Our mission is to innovate software solutions that drive progress & create a better tomorrow. Join us on Medium to stay up-to-date with our latest insights & idea.

Go to the profile of Mohamed Aamir Maniar
Mohamed Aamir Maniar
Aamir, as he prefers to be called, is a Founder & CEO of ManiarTech, Tallery Gallery. He loves technology, food, tea, flute, fitness & mobile photography
Go to the profile of Aamir Maniar