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Manuel's musings
Manuel's musings
Purpose-driven entrepreneurship, networked organizations, decentralized trust, decentralized power, living the good life.
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Metrics are useless on day one of a startup

In the it-agile Startup March we tried to make decisions based solely on hard facts. No more guessing or subjective opinions, just objective numbers. This appealed a lot to the mathematician in me. I, and most other participants had just read Eric Ries’…

Kotlin and Ceylon to open their doors by the end of the year

The residents of Java are waiting. Waiting for the day when another city will rise to supremacy in JVMland. These days they are looking north towards the functional territories and watch with interest as the new cities Kotlin…

Conway’s Game of Life in Scala

I attended a Code Retreat yesterday in Hamburg. As usual we used Conway’s Game of Life to practice our coding skills. I planned to do at least one session using Scala, but my Scala IDE wasn’t working any more, probably due to an incompatible upgrade of some description.

CI Gossip: Is Hudson asking Jenkins out again?

After the recent divorce of Hudson and Jenkins following the tragical death of Hudson’s mother Sun and a long battle over trademark rights, Hudson seems to have come to senses and is planning to hand over the code to Eclipse.

The Bowling Game Kata in Scala

Here is the end result of my implementation of the Bowling Game Kata in Scala. You can see all steps including the tests on CodersDojo.org.

[sourcecode language=”scala” wraplines=”false”]
class BowlingGame {