Go to Maptio Japan
Maptio Japan
Self-management done right. The blog of Maptio - the tool for visualising self-managing organisations.
Note from the editor

Self-management done right. The blog of Maptio - the tool for visualising self-managing organisations.

Go to the profile of Tom Nixon
Tom Nixon
Researching and working with founders to realise big ideas and keep the startup passion forever.
Go to the profile of 山田裕嗣 / Yuji Yamada
山田裕嗣 / Yuji Yamada
HR系のコンサル、大手ITのHRを経て、ITベンチャーの経営に参画。 2017年12月にEnFlow株式会社を設立。Teal/ホラクラシー/自然経営など、新しい時代の組織への変容を支援。 https://en-flow.com/