Matic And Marble.Cards To Collaborate On Scalability

Johan Unger
Published in
2 min readJul 16, 2019

We are thrilled to announce Marble.Cards will increase on-chain speed and scalability using Matic! Matic is one of the market leaders when it comes to second layer solutions on Ethereum. We are very excited to be working with them to enhance the Marble experience by bringing free and near instant transactions to our players.

What is Marble.Cards?

Marble.Cards turns web pages into digital collectible cards. Almost any URL on the internet can be turned into a card. While the internet is something that can be copied without any limitations, Marble.Cards uses Ethereum to make sure that each card is unique and every web page can only be “marbled” once.

Initially, we will use Matic for two key aspects:

Arena Predictions: Players will try to predict outcomes in the Arena, such as what is the best meme or movie card. In each prediction, you stake coins. The better you are at predictions, the more coins you will get back. To make this experience as seamless and fun as possible, we need the benefits a second layer solution provides.

Making predictions in the Arena — launching later this year.

Card Creation: When marbling a card today, a big part of the total cost is spent on gas. Additionally, when Ethereum is clogged it can take a long time to get your new card. With Matic, players will experience both cheaper cards and faster card creation.

With this partnership, we believe we have all the building blocks to be able to provide a crypto experience that can appeal to the mainstream.

To celebrate this partnership, we will run a competition with amazing prizes (see below) all summer in our Discord!

More info on that in this article.

