Something Is Listening to You.

Author Kristine Benevento
Mariposa Magazine
Published in
4 min readApr 27, 2019
Photo by Jeremy Thomas on Unsplash

It’s all about energy.

There is an energy that surrounds us and tracks what we want using our invisible intentions and vibrational sounds.

If we changed our tune and instead of saying we are participating in a War on Terror, and instead, we had a War For Peace, our focus would be more on solutions for peace rather than fighting against terror.

If there were more peace, there would automatically be less fear and terror.

The War Against Cancer would become the War For Good Health. Imagine if everything we did, focused on, and supported good health — then cancer and other diseases like that — would be a thing of the past.

“Against” is fighting. Being against is hard work and is fraught with turmoil. Against repels. “For,” is being inclusive and going with the flow. “For” is magnetic.

We’ve become a world where our focus has become about stopping or defeating something that is viewed as dangerous or harmful, rather than spending all the time, energy and effort on supporting everything good that would eliminate the result of not having those things.

Being for something is pulling it along. Being against something is pushing it away. It is far easier to pull something along then it is to push something away. Swimming against the current is exhausting, floating with the stream is easy and relaxing.

There is a saying, “you’re either for me or against me.”

We need to be aware of what we are saying. If all our energy is devoted to fighting against something rather than focusing all our energy on supporting something we are already at the losing end.

You might think it is just semantics. There is an energy to what we think and what we say.

Don’t believe me?

Spend a day listening with all of your senses to the people around you, and especially listen to yourself. Listen to the tones of the voices. Are they soft or hard? Are they gentle or demanding? Are the words saying one thing but the sound is conveying a different meaning? Are you speaking with forked tongue?

You know when someone speaking to you is being sincere and when they are not. Many times we can sense an outright lie.

If you know this to be true, go back to the claim of there being energy surrounding us, and within us.

You can feel it. You can intuit it.

Photo by Thomas Lipke on Unsplash

Is this the case of trying to decide if the glass is half full or half empty? Maybe. But I think it is more than that. When you are for something, it’s a lot easier for people to jump on your bandwagon and help your project along. There is a positivity and an attraction that can’t be denied.

When you are for something, there is no hesitation. Everyone wants to jump on your bandwagon and be part of the success story.

When you are against something you are generally against something that is already established and the momentum it takes to shift is tremendous. Try rowing your boat upstream, and you know what I mean.

When you are for something, there is a general agreement from the others with you that this is the way to go. When you are against something, you are more fractured, everyone having a different idea of how “it” can be handled.

It may seem Pollyanna, and contrary to how you have been taught, after all, there are human beings out there doing terrible things to other human beings and our environment.

When we become connected through the collective, and people have their needs satisfied, those individuals choosing the negativity, the dark, shadowy side, will be uncomfortable in this world and they will move on. They will not be able to generate fear. All those intolerable things will lessen and eventually become things of the past.

Those that live in darkness cannot stand the light. They will shrink from it.

Become the carrier of that light. Recognize the truth behind yours and others words and concentrate on what you want rather than what you don’t want. Share your vision of a better world. Do everything possible to be positive and uplifting.

Let what you don’t want, motivate what you do want. Then go after it full bore.

