Go to Market Meme
Market Meme
The Community Powered Database for Technical Marketers. Want to contribute: submit@marketmeme.com.
Note from the editor

We are gathering marketing tools, ideas, frameworks, case studies and putting them into a database, (doing some magic 🃏) and finally compiling the best of the best into the Market Meme weekly📈. If you have a great piece of content you created or find something that made your job easier, please let us know and we’ll make sure you get the credit for it as well as adding the submission to the database. We are looking for all kinds of technical marketing content on topics such as: SEO, Analytics, CRO, Testing, UI, UX, Attribution Models, Email Marketing, PPC, CAC, User Acquisition, Marketing Stacks, Content Creation… just to name a few. So, if you are an expert in a topic and want to share the great content your are discovering or creating with fellow marketers than Market Meme is the place for you. Check out our submission guidelines: http://marketmeme.com/blog/market-meme-content-submissions-guidelines/

Go to the profile of Nicholas Walter
Nicholas Walter
Media scientist. (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻.
Go to the profile of Amandeep Sandhu
Amandeep Sandhu
Co-Founder @uLytics. Driven primarily by Data and a M3 :) Believe in Big Ideas and Getting Things Done. I’m trying my hardest!