A New Journey in Digitalization

Ziyang Yao
Marketing in the Age of Digital
2 min readOct 29, 2023

Hello everyone, I’m Ziyang Yao, you can also call me Jerry. nice to meet all of you on the blog!

First and foremost, I’m thrilled to connect with all of you here. Venturing into blogging is a new experience for me, filled with both excitement and a touch of nervousness. While I’ve been more comfortable in essay writing in the past, I believe that we need to embrace new challenges and experiences, allowing us to grow and evolve our digital marketing skills.

Digital marketing is a rapidly changing and dynamic field. With technological advancements, our modes of communication, shopping habits, and even lifestyles have undergone significant transformations. As a student who shops on TikTok shop and Amazon every day, I find out that there are a lot of interesting things that happen in the e-commerce world. I hope to use this platform to share my observations and unique insights into this domain with all of you.

In the coming weeks, I plan to share my own perspectives on digital marketing every week. By writing a blog every week, I not only hope to enhance my writing skills but also engage in profound discussions with all of you in the realm of digital marketing.

Blogging is also an interactive journey. I eagerly await your comments and feedback, allowing us to learn and progress together. Every reader’s viewpoint and suggestion serve as motivation and inspiration for my writings.

While the idea of weekly blogging presents a new challenge for me, I believe it will be an invaluable experience. I’m keen to witness the evolution of my writing in the upcoming weeks and look forward to forging deep connections with all of you on this platform.

Lastly, thank you for taking the time to read my blog. I will see you next week!




Ziyang Yao
Marketing in the Age of Digital

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