Clif Bar & Company’s “Let’s Move the World”

Jessie Fu
Marketing in the Age of Digital
2 min readOct 22, 2023

Campaign: A Deep Dive
The constantly evolving world of advertising sees numerous campaigns each day. However, some campaigns, like Clif Bar & Company’s “Let’s Move the World,” stand out. Let’s dissect the brand’s objectives, the desired audience actions, and the efficacy of this campaign.
Brand Obiectives
Clif Bar & Company set out with a clear goal: inspire more individuals to embrace physical activities and adventures. Tapping into the zeitgeist of a world recovering from a pandemic, the company hoped to renew the spirit of adventure and collective movement.
Desired Audience Actions

The brand’s intentions were manifold:
1. Encouragement for Physical Activity: Clif wanted people to be active, embracing activities like street dancing, basketball, or kickboxing.
2. Cultivation of a Community Spirit: Emphasizing both individual and collective movement, they sought to build a sense of community among active individuals.
3. Brand Engagement Across Platforms: By diversifying their content across platforms like Hulu, Roku, and TikTok, Clif aimed to get their audience to interact, engage, and share their content.
Driving Actions Through Content:- Showcased real stories, like that of a mother-daughter duo or the Dragon House dance group, making the campaign relatable.
- Collaborated with celebrated figures such as Venus Williams and Megan Rapinoe, adding aspirational value.
- Created varied content, launching video ads, and leveraging social media platforms for wider reach.
Digital Platforms Utilized:
The brand astutely tapped into several platforms, ensuring comprehensive coverage. Video ads were to be seen on Hulu, Roku, and You Tube. Social media played a key role with content spread across Facebook, Pinterest, Snapchat, TikTok, with audio content on Pandora and Spotify.
Was the Campaign Successful?
1. Broad Digital Outreach: By utilizing a diverse range of digital platforms, from streaming services to social media, the brand ensured maximum exposure.
2. Relatable Content: Featuring real people and genuine stories, Clif’s content strategy seemed primed to resonate with everyday viewers.
3. Inclusion of Icons: The presence of renowned figures added weight to the campaign, likely driving higher audience engagement.
These three pillars facilitated success for the “Let’s Move the World” campaign. The brand’s ability to intertwine its message with real stories, celebrities, and a broad digital outreach positions it to leave a lasting impression on its audience.

