Five Things That Are Important for Your Business to Know in Digital Marketing

Yanying Mao
Marketing in the Age of Digital
4 min readNov 23, 2019

With the coming of 2020, both the reform of the consumer market and the development of digital marketing technology have attracted the attention of people in the marketing field. In this blog, I’m going to list the FIVE most important things business should know before creating strategies.

1. Video Isn’t Stopping

Source: PEXELS

Video is taking the internet by storm and this isn’t about to stop. According to MarTech, videos have the potential to hold customer’s attention on retail sites for two minutes longer than average and a well-optimized video can boost your chances of being a top in engagement, SEO ranking, and conversion rates. In addition, more than 80% of customers are more likely to purchase a product after seeing it detailed in a video.

Video marketing is so engaging because it’s personal. When people can see your image, they are more likely to trust the entire business. It’s also a wonderfully versatile content to use through different platforms.

2. AI Is the Tool to Success

As AI going becoming more and more popular, there are many benefits of using AI in digital marketing. First, artificial intelligence can make accurate and personalized judgments through data analysis of users’ behavior habits, age, education, consumption habits, social characteristics, etc., so as to obtain more accurate portraits of target users and insight into the real needs of consumers. Second, artificial intelligence can recommend appropriate delivery channels, optimize delivery strategies, and predict the conversion effect after delivery, which can really help to improve ROI. Third, artificial intelligence can fast output structured and standardized content, like standardized copywriting, design elements, graphics posters, etc., and quickly enter into the launching process. For more details, please refer back to my post “Are There Limitations for AI Marketing?”.

3. Voice Search

Source: PEXELS

Alpine.AI states that an estimated one billion voice searches per month were carried out till January 2018. According to ComScore, 50% of all searches will be done by voice by 2020, and voice shopping is presumed to surge from $2 billion to $40 billion by 2022 as per OC&C Strategy Consultants. It’s no surprise that organizations are rethinking their digital marketing strategies due to this increasing use of voice search. We already see voice search assistants such as Alexa, Siri, and Google, and the mistake they make is decreasing. For brands who adopting the voice search strategy is not only about staying relevant. In addition, it’s about designing a unique and optimized consumer experience that will nurture relationships and strengthen brand loyalty.

4. Omnichannel Marketing

Source: GIPHY

Omnichannel marketing is the method of employing varied platforms to give your audience a multichannel experience. However, it’s also essential that brands present a seamless, consistent message across all mediums, online or offline. For best results, all marketing channels must be linked to one all-encompassing strategy. As technology is changing the way brands communicate with consumers, consumers are expecting a more personalized experience and omnichannel marketing is a way to create a more personalized advertising campaign and helping brands understand consumer behavior.

5. Content Marketing

Source: PEXELS

Content is the core of digital marketing and content marketing will continue to be a crucial part of the game no matter what happens. But good content marketing is a huge job in itself, it includes creating high quality, SEO-friendly content of various sorts and how to effectively get audiences to engage.

The content can take many forms, from video to social, emails, web content, blogs, e-books, videos, whitepapers, and so on. Creating the content based on overarching business goals, develop a campaign that involved an effective strategy will attract new customers to business websites and building relationships with them in a real and quantifiable manner.



Yanying Mao
Marketing in the Age of Digital

Currently live in NYC | Graduate student of NYU | Integrated Marketing | All the good things are running towards you🌟